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Fakulteta za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede, Maribor (FKMB)
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ponedeljek - petek: od 8.00 do 13.00

Za vse informacije smo vam na voljo na: knjiznica.fkbv@um.si; tel. 02 320 90 43.
  • Istraživanje utjecaja tehnologije na kakvoću peleta od proizvodnje do uporabe = The production technology effect on the quality of pellets from the factory to the feeder
    Kostanjevec, Boštjan ...
    In our research the influence of transport on the quality of pellets from production in the factory to the feeders on the farm was established. we were also interested whether the Wafolin binder ... adding in the concentration of 0.83% improved the firmness of pellets. The quality of pellets was studied with the help of sowing analysis in the BRO-F1 and BRO-F2 feeds with the adder binder or without it. Samples of these feeds were taken at five different control points. From the results of our research it was evident that the best quality was achieved in the BRO-F1 feed. By adding the binder the quality of pellets was further improved at all control points. The quality of pellets of the BRO-F2 feed was comparatively poorer than that of BRO-F1 feed. Contrary to expectations the binder added at all control points reduced the share of pellets in the BRO-F2 feed. In all feedsmost of the pellets crumbled on the way through the screw conveyor to the feeder in the middle of the farmhouse. The transportation of feed from the factory to the farm had the least effect on the quality of pellets of tested feeds.
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del
    Leto - 2001
    Jezik - hrvaški
    COBISS.SI-ID - 1829420