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  • Raba alkohola in njene negativne posledice na zdravstvenem stanju prebivalcev Slovenije = Consumption of alcohol and its negative consequences on the health state of Slovenian population
    Hovnik-Keršmanc, Marjetka
    Starting points: The implementation of target 17 of European strategy Health for all by the year 2000, i.e. the reduction of alcohol per capita by 25%, andthe situation on the domain of ... hospitalizations, temporary absence from work and mortality due to diseases and poisonings directly attributable to alcohol, were the object of the article. Methods: Data source on the alcohol consumption per capita in Slovenia (1980 - 1996) was the data base of World Health Organization for all. Data source on hospitalizations (1988 - 1996), absenteeism (1990 - 1996) and mortality *1986 - 1966) for the inhabitants of the Republic of Slovenia above 15 tears of age was, however, the regular national statistics of the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia. Trends of alcohol concumption and of hospitalizations, temporary absence from work and mortality were estimated by linear trend. The comparisonof morbidity and mortality between genders was performed on the baseof odds with 95% confidence interval, statistical significance being assessted by chi-square test. Results: Yearly consumption of alcohol oscillated between 9,2 and 12,9 litres per inhabitant. Actual trend of alcoholconsumption per capita by the year 2000 is moving away from the target trend. Yeraly, 518 inhabitatnts or 22,8% of all the decreased aged 15 years ormore, died on average owing to diseases and poisonings directly linked with alcohol. Men were at 3,3 times greater risk than women. There were yearly on average 4652 hospitalizations of inhabitants aged 15 or more, i.e. 2,1% of allthe hospitalizations with an average hospital stay of 27,7 days. Men were on average 3,6 times more at risk than women. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
    Vir: Zdravstveno varstvo : Slovenian journal of public health. - ISSN 0351-0026 (Letn. 38, št. 11/12, 1999, str. 386-392)
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del
    Leto - 1999
    Jezik - slovenski
    COBISS.SI-ID - 10963673