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  • Kulturna in prosvetna društva v Mariboru v obdobju med svetovnima vojnama
    Potočnik, Dragan
    In the period between 1918 and 1941 cultural an social life in Maribor was organized mainly in diferent associations. This paper will examine the most active association of that period: Ljudska ... univerza (People's University), Zveza kulturnih društev (Cultural Societies' Federation) and Prosvetna zveza (Federation of Eduation). The aim of the People's University, founded in 1922, was to culturally educate all social classes. Headed by Janko Kukovec, an ingeneer by profession, it organized lectures, professional courses, exhibitions ,literary and musical events, and the like. Faithful to its goal of shaping persons capable of independent thinking, it did not support any political party. It became an importaint educational center in the northern part of Slovenia, and between 1922 and 1941 organized almost 1200 events with about 120.000 visitors. Between the two World Wars Maribor was also the center of two prominent cultural organisations, the Cultural Societies' Federation (CSF) and the Federation of Education. Both of them were active in the territory of former Štajersko, and numbered several hundred societies each. These societies organized their activities under the guidelines received from Maribor. Liberaly oriented CSF fostered national awarness and education, especially along the border. It founded libraries and rural theater companies, organized music events, letures and various courses. Through skilful organization it was also active in the suburbs of Maribor. Its aim was to raise the general level of culture, to stenghten Slovene national awarness and also Yugoslav civic awarness. Catholically oriented Federation of Education was active in larger Maribor as well. Striving to produce devouted catholics, it organized eucational soirées and youth camps, opened a central library in the Cooperative Business Bank building, published Prosvetna knjižnica (Educational Booklet), monthly Naš dom (Our home), etc. The aim of the People's University, founded in 1922, was to culturally educate all social classes. The organization, headed by Janko kukovec, did not support any political party. By organizing lectures, professional courses, exibits, literary and music events, etc., it became a prominent educational center. In the period between World War I and World War II Maribor was also the center of two other important educational organizations, liberal Cultural Societies' Federation (CSF) and catholic Federation of Education. CSF fostered national awarness and education in northeastern Slovenia, where it founded libraries and rural theater companies, organized music events, lectures and courses. Catholically oriented Federation of education, whose aim was to raise devout catholics, was in the larger Maribor area as well. It opened a library and organized educational soirées and youth camps
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del ; neleposlovje za odrasle
    Leto - 2000
    Jezik - slovenski
    COBISS.SI-ID - 11539208