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  • Škodljivo uživanje in odvisnost od alkohola: prevalenca, komorbidnost in osebnostne značilnosti = Alcohol-related disorders: prevalence, comorbidity and personality
    Židanik, Miloš
    The aim of this article is the analysis of general population regarding peoplewith alcohol-related problems: to establish the prevalence, comorbiditiywith most frequent axis 1 and axis 2 diagnoses ... and some risk factors that may contribute to the development of alcohol-related disorders. Aselfreport questionnaire was send to a randomised sample ot general population (n =5853). There was a 29,4% compliance rate and the final analysiswas performed on 1655 questionnaires, from 772 men and 883 women. The average age of people in the sample was 42,4 13,3 years with median 41. Alcohol abuse was established at 20,5% men and 7,1% women and alcohol dependence at 8% men and 0,9% women. In this subsample there was a high prevalence of depression (32,7% men and 52% women), somatoform disorders (22,7% men and 31% women), suicidal ideation (6,4% men and 16,9% women) and psychotic signs (35% men and 38% women). There was a significant proportion ofpossible personality disorders: at 58,6% men and 73,2% women. In this samplethere was a high prevalence of risk factors in their childhood - alcoholism at relatives (37,8%), financial problems in families (24,4%), parental separation or death in the family (22%), all significant higher as atpeople with no alcohol related problems in general population. Regarding thehigh risk of this specific population (high comorbidiiy), there is a necessity for a better cooperation with general practitioners for a better screening and treatment plan for this population.
    Vir: Odvisnosti : teorija, praksa, raziskovanje. - ISSN 1580-3708 (Vol. 4, no. 1/2, 2003, str. 56-58)
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del
    Leto - 2003
    Jezik - slovenski
    COBISS.SI-ID - 17648857