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Urnik dostave gradiva z oznako DS v signaturi
  • Energy- and time-saving low-temperature thermomechanical treatment of low-carbon plain steel = Prihranki energije in časa pri nizkotemperaturni termomehanski obdelavi maloogljičnega ploščatega jekla
    Jirková, Hana ...
    Reduction of energy is one way of cutting the cost of finished steel products. In this context heat treatment is a costly stage of the production. This paper presents a method of reducing ... soft-annealing times. The method termed as ASR (accelerated spheroidization and refinement) was employed for improving the cold formability of the ferrite-pearlite steel. In this study, plain low-carbon RSt-32 steel was used as the experimental material. The influence of deformation below the A[sub]{c1} temperature on grain refinement and carbide spheroidization, as well the influence of the temperature cycling around the A[sub]{c1} temperature within the temperature intervals of various widths were explored. In addition, attention was paid to the effects of the holding time between deformation steps and to the amount of deformation heat. The initial lamellar pearlite was converted into a recrystallized structure with fine ferrite grains of about 3 [mu]m and fine spheroidized cementite. The final hardness was about 150 HV10. This is by about 25 % lower than the hardness of the initial ferrite-lamellar pearlite structure. Significant time and energy savings can be reached as the treatment shortens the thermomechanical exposurefrom several hours to several minutes.
    Vir: Materiali in tehnologije = Materials and technology. - ISSN 1580-2949 (Letn. 47, št. 3, maj-jun. 2013, str. 335-339)
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del
    Leto - 2013
    Jezik - angleški
    COBISS.SI-ID - 999338

vir: Materiali in tehnologije = Materials and technology. - ISSN 1580-2949 (Letn. 47, št. 3, maj-jun. 2013, str. 335-339)

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