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Miklošičeva knjižnica - FPNM, Maribor (PEFMB)

Miklošičeva knjižnica - FPNM bo od 17. 6. 2024 do 30. 9. 2024 odprta vsak dan od ponedljka do petka od 8.00 do 14.00.

Kolektiv Miklošičeve knjižnice - FPNM
  • Granice samokontrole u objašnjenju kriminalnosti
    Flere, Sergej
    Possibilities of explaining delinquency by low self-control, within the meaning of Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990) and by the operationalised methodology of Grasmick et al. (1993) and Vazsonyi et al. ... (2001) was studied on a sample of 1200 Maribor university students. Low self-control proved, as factor analysed, to be a two component phenomenon, with low loadings in some items. A summational instrument of low self-control was composed. It proved to explain general delinquency modestly, whereas odds rations indicated a significant link between low self control and deviance. Sex and religiosity remained important determinants, the latter as a deterrent. Masculine sex attributes according to Bem remained a moderate independent determinant. Sex was not consumed either by masculinity or by self-control, within a test of robustness in regression analysis
    Vrsta gradiva - članek, sestavni del ; neleposlovje za odrasle
    Leto - 2004
    Jezik - srbski
    COBISS.SI-ID - 13635848