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Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Ljubljana - vsi oddelki (SAZU)
  • Preizkus delovanja ergolinskega derivata LEK-8829 kot delnega antagonista na dopaminskih receptorjih
    Živin, Marko ; Šprah, Lilijana ; Sket, Dušan
    Endoscopic biopsy diagnostic (biopsy) is based on simple principles of recognition the anaplasia of adenocarcinoma of stomach and its classification on the fact does it form glands or not. The first ... extension introduces tubularadenocarcinoma and the second signet-ring cell carcinoma. Between the two forms is a large interchangeable field of solid and semiadenomatous (intermediate) type of adenocarcinoma. Clinically in a part of Europe the mostused Lauren's classification of stomach adenocarcinoma is needed for surgical decision of extension of resection: intestinal type needs less extensive resection but diffuse type of adenocarcinoma demands the total gastrectomy with considerable number of postoperative deaths. Unfortunately the diagnosis of intestinal or diffuse type of adenocarcinoma is made postoperatively on the histology slides of surgically resected specimens and therefor are of no use for preoperative decisions. For comparison of two classifications we reviewed biopsies of patients with adenocarcinoma of stomach and slides of their surgical removed stomachs from the years 1980-3. By reviewing 292 biopsies we found in 59,3% (173 cases) diffuse type, in 38% (111) tubular type and in 2,4% (7) intermediate and in 0,3% (1) solid adenocarcinoma. The ratio men versus women was 1,6:1. Most of patients was aged 61 to 73 years. In all groups of age the diffuse type of adenocarcinoma was prevailing, followed by tubular, solid and intermediate type. As 9 of 10 stomach carcinoma patients is dying by the disease, we think the classification not important in the aim of cure but for the surgical decision for the extent of operation. Because of numerous signs of transition of solid and intermediate types of adenocarcinoma in diffuse or tubular patterns of growth histologically we think the real decision is in the hands of surgeon except in the case of signet-ring cell carcinoma.
    Vrsta gradiva - elaborat, študija
    Založništvo in izdelava - Ljubljana : Inštitut za patološko fiziologijo, Medicinska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, 1994
    Jezik - slovenski
    COBISS.SI-ID - 19542573