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Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Ljubljana - vsi oddelki (SAZU)
  • Vpliv dela zdravstvenih delavcev na izid poroda
    Pajntar, Marjan, 1932-2024 ...
    In the study, there was attempt to find signifficant differences among perinatal units in Slovenija in the appearence of demographic and other risk factors of pregnant women and in the health care ... during the pregnancy, labour and after it. The estimation of economical concequences of these differences was done. First results suggest that for the outcome of pregnancy in Slovenijadifferent treatment of pregnant and parturient women is more important than the risk factors, women brought with in to the pregnancy, however this hypothesis should be tested with more sofisticated statistical methods. The differences, found in the completness of fullfiling the questionnaries as well as the differences in the late fetal and early neonatalmortality imply that the immidiate improvement in the neonatal mortality and morbidity could be done with the unification of methodology and improvement of the perinatal health care.
    Vrsta gradiva - raziskovalno poročilo
    Založništvo in izdelava - Ljubljana : Univerzitetni zavod za zdravstveno in socialno varstvo, 1990
    Jezik - slovenski
    COBISS.SI-ID - 200409