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Univerzitetni klinični center Maribor (SBMB)
  • Investing in public hospital buildings with the use of multi-criteria approach [Elektronski vir]
    Kostanjevec, Tomaž
    Investment decisions lie at the core of any development strategy. The economic growth and welfare depends on the productive capital, infrastructure, human capital, knowledge, total factor ... productivity and the quality of institutions. Hereon, we present a unique approach to an investment project in the area of idea recognition and of investment idea evaluation in the early phase. The innovative approach has become an important aspect in the design and implementation of the organizational strategy. The most relevant data which represents the analysed department in certain building in UKC Maribor has been taken into consideration. Different departments and different buildings in UKC Maribor have different parameters or input data's. In accordance with department needs and its speciality of work we can expect completely different results. The multi-criteria analysis (MC) is able to combine different data's throe the time aspect. Predicting or accelerating of some department is also possible over new knowledge which has been developed in some other laboratories or clinics. Without the emphasis on the cost reduction hospital costs would simply spiral upwards and the hospital services would become uncompetitive. Every hospital must, as all public institutions do, present costs which will be as exact as possible for one year ahead. In these strict circumstances an option is to invest in the most profitable departments and reduce costs in the most wasteful buildings and machines. This gives an institution the possibility of a long-term economic growth and its management the option to make their own path regarding the strategy of the development.
    Vrsta gradiva - prispevek na konferenci
    Leto - 2015
    Jezik - angleški
    COBISS.SI-ID - 5447743