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zadetkov: 9
  • The fusion of the imaginati... The fusion of the imagination and the material universe: Hugh Hood, Flying a red kite (1962)
    Kustec, Aleksander Acta neophilologica, 12/1999, Letnik: 32, Številka: 1
    Journal Article
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    In the first weeks of January 1957 Hugh (John Blagdon) Hood moved to Hartford, Connecticut, U. S. A, where he became Professor at Saint Joseph College. At the time Hood did not know that he was going ...
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Dostopno za: UL

  • Unravelling the mystery of ... Unravelling the mystery of reality : typical Canadian elements in the short stories of Alice Munro
    Kustec, Aleksander Acta neophilologica, 12/1998, Letnik: 31, Številka: 1
    Journal Article
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    The contemporary Canadian short story has a specific place among literary genres in Canadian literature. It culminated in the sixties of this century, when the Canadians looked to their literature ...
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Dostopno za: UL

  • E-izobraževanje: sodoben na... E-izobraževanje: sodoben način investiranja v zaposlene
    Kustec Perenič, Aleksander AS. Andragoška spoznanja, 12/2001, Letnik: 7, Številka: 4
    Journal Article
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    E-izobraževanje je najbolj dinamična in zanesljiva rešitev za podjetja, ki želijo znižati stroške, povečati zadovoljstvo poslovnih partnerjev strank ter omogočiti zaposlenim sodoben način ...
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Dostopno za: UL

  • The fusion of the imaginati... The fusion of the imagination and the material universe: Hugh Hood, Flying a red kite (1962)
    Kustec, Aleksander Acta neophilologica, 12/1999, Letnik: 32
    Journal Article
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    In the first weeks of January 1957 Hugh (John Blagdon) Hood moved to Hartford, Connecticut, U. S. A, where he became Professor at Saint Joseph College. At the time Hood did not know that he was going ...
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Dostopno za: UL

  • Kratka zgodba v literarni t... Kratka zgodba v literarni teoriji
    Aleksander KUSTEC Slavistična revija, 01/1999, Letnik: 47, Številka: 1
    Journal Article
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    Kratki zgodbi, fenomenu 20. stoletja, je treba odmeriti enako prostora v literarni teoriji kakor drugim, navidezno bolj popularnim književnim vrstam. Kljub temu, da ni bila deležna take pozornosti in ...
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Dostopno za: UL
  • Unravelling the mystery of ... Unravelling the mystery of reality : typical Canadian elements in the short stories of Alice Munro
    Kustec, Aleksander Acta neophilologica, 12/1998, Letnik: 31
    Journal Article
    Odprti dostop

    The contemporary Canadian short story has a specific place among literary genres in Canadian literature. It culminated in the sixties of this century, when the Canadians looked to their literature ...
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Dostopno za: UL

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Celotno besedilo
Dostopno za: UL
Celotno besedilo
zadetkov: 9

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