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zadetkov: 1.243
  • Posledice življenja starih ... Posledice življenja starih ljudi v samoti in kako jih lahko preprečimo
    Balent, Ivona; Gungl, Barbara; Horvat, Lara Socialno Delo, 10/2022, Letnik: 61, Številka: 2-3
    Journal Article
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    Old people living alone: consequences and prevention Important findings in the field of solitary life in old age and the problem of loneliness are presented. Difficulties experienced by old people ...
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Dostopno za: ODKLJ, UL
  • Odzivi socialnega dela na u... Odzivi socialnega dela na ukrepe za zajezitev epidemije covida-19 v domovih za stare ljudi
    Mali, Jana; Penič, Benjamin Socialno Delo, 10/2022, Letnik: 61, Številka: 2-3
    Journal Article

    Responses of social work to measures for containing the Covid-19 epidemic in homes for old people The first part of the article shows how the covid-19 epidemic revived ideas about the development of ...
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Dostopno za: ODKLJ, UL
  • Vpliv epidemije covida-19 n... Vpliv epidemije covida-19 na življenje stanovalcev domov za stare
    Štrancar, Anže Socialno Delo, 10/2022, Letnik: 61, Številka: 2-3
    Journal Article
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    Impact of Covid-19 epidemic on the lives of residents of homes for old people The year 2020 was marked by the Covid-19 epidemic, which had the greatest impact on socially vulnerable groups, ...
Celotno besedilo
Dostopno za: ODKLJ, UL
Celotno besedilo
Dostopno za: ODKLJ, UL
  • Demenca - razlog za dezinst... Demenca - razlog za dezinstitucionalizacijo
    Flaker, Vito Socialno Delo, 10/2022, Letnik: 61, Številka: 2-3
    Journal Article
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    Dementia – a reason for deinstitutionalisation Dementia is often the ultimate argument for the need of institutions. However, dementia is not a "disease" that would need an institutional care, and ...
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Dostopno za: ODKLJ, UL
  • Identiteta ljudi z demenco:... Identiteta ljudi z demenco: Priložnost za krepitev moči
    Penič, Benjamin; Munđar, Sintija Socialno Delo, 10/2022, Letnik: 61, Številka: 2-3
    Journal Article

    Identity of people with dementia: Opportunity for empowerment Human identity is dynamic, fleeting, and changeable and is formed in social contexts. People with dementia are considered a vulnerable ...
Celotno besedilo
Dostopno za: ODKLJ, UL
  • Pregled in analiza aktualni... Pregled in analiza aktualnih konceptov socialnega dela z ljudmi z demenco
    Mali, Jana Socialno Delo, 10/2022, Letnik: 61, Številka: 2-3
    Journal Article
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    Overview and analysis of current concepts in social work with people with dementia The article presents the research project "Long-term care of people with dementia in social work theory and ...
Celotno besedilo
Dostopno za: ODKLJ, UL
  • Uporaba stimulativnih aktiv... Uporaba stimulativnih aktivnosti v socialnem delu z ljudmi z demenco
    Kejžar, Anamarija Socialno Delo, 10/2022, Letnik: 61, Številka: 2-3
    Journal Article
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    Use of stimulating activities in social work with people with dementia With growing number of cases of dementia, social work with people with dementia faces new challenges in maintaining dignity in ...
Celotno besedilo
Dostopno za: ODKLJ, UL
Celotno besedilo
Dostopno za: ODKLJ, UL
  • Pregled ugotovitev zaključn... Pregled ugotovitev zaključnih del študentk in študentov Fakultete za socialno delo o socialnem delu z ljudmi z demenco
    Rihter, Liljana Socialno Delo, 10/2022, Letnik: 61, Številka: 2-3
    Journal Article
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    An overview of the results of the final theses of students of the Faculty of Social Work on social work with people with dementia A meta-analysis of students' theses from the past five years ...
Celotno besedilo
Dostopno za: ODKLJ, UL
2 3 4 5 6
zadetkov: 1.243

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