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zadetkov: 522
  • Frigyes Karinthy, Anelli della catena (1929)
    Marinella Lőrinczi Medea (Cagliari), 09/2017, Letnik: 3, Številka: 1
    Journal Article
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    Il racconto breve Láncszemek del prolifico scrittore Frigyes Karinthy (Ungheria, 1887 - 1938) ha una notorietà anche internazionale in quanto documenta gli inizi dell’elaborazione della teoria sui ...
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Dostopno za: UL
  • An apparently easy case
    Serra, Gianni
    Video Recording

    Provider: EFG - The European Film Gateway EFG - The European Film Gateway - Institution: EFG - The European Film Gateway Istituto Luce - Cinecittà - Data provided by Europeana Collections- 81 - the ...
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  • Cronaca con l'obiettivo
    Video Recording

    Provider: EFG - The European Film Gateway EFG - The European Film Gateway - Institution: Istituto Luce - Cinecittà EFG - The European Film Gateway - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Viterbo: ...
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  • Notizia tratta dal Notiziario della Guardia Nazionale Repubblicana del giorno 12-04-1944
    Guardia Nazionale Repubblicana 04/1944
    Web Resource

    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Notizia relativa a "Attività dei banditi e dei ribelli" a Molino del Piano (Firenze) riguardante "Gradi Federico", contenuta nella ...
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  • The Ideal of Virginity in t... The Ideal of Virginity in the Post-Tridentine Monastic Life Using the Example of the Maiden’s Palm (Palma panieńska, 1607) by Szymon Wysocki
    Kaczor-Scheitler, Katarzyna Studi slavistici, 01/2023, Letnik: 19, Številka: 2
    Journal Article
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    The subject of the article is the issue of virginity and the broader post-Tridentine spirituality using the example of the Maiden’s Palm or the Dissertation on Virginhood (Palma panieńska albo ...
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Dostopno za: ODKLJ, UL
  • High vascular plant species... High vascular plant species richness in the Usumacinta River Basin: a comprehensive floristic checklist for a natural region in the Mesoamerican biodiversity hotspot
    Jiménez-López, Derio Antonio; Gallardo-Cruz, José Alberto; Véliz, Mario Esteban ... Botanical sciences, 07/2023, Letnik: 101, Številka: 3
    Journal Article
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    Background: Mesoamerica is one of the most important biodiversity hotspots on the planet. Despite significant efforts made over two centuries to contribute to the floristic knowledge of this region, ...
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Dostopno za: UL
  • Ideał dziewictwa w potryden... Ideał dziewictwa w potrydenckim życiu monastycznym na przykładzie Palmy panieńskiej (1607) Szymona Wysockiego
    Kaczor-Scheitler, Katarzyna Studi slavistici, 01/2022, Letnik: 19, Številka: 2
    Journal Article
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    The subject of the article is the issue of virginity and the broader post-Tridentine spirituality using the example of the Maidens Palm or the Dissertation on Virginhood (Palma panieńska albo ...
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Dostopno za: ODKLJ, UL
  • Generalizations of The New ... Generalizations of The New Technique for Spectral Conjugatе Gradient Methods
    Hassan, Basim A. Al-Mustansiriyah journal of science, 08/2019, Letnik: 30, Številka: 1
    Journal Article
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    In this article, we will present a generalizations of the nеw technique for spеctral conjugatе gradient methods based on the descent condition that by using a simple method to prove the global ...
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Dostopno za: UL

  • La planification dans l’action : les trois actions du personnel enseignant pour planifier une activité maker
    Ciocca, Jean-Luc; Cotnam-Kappel, Megan McGill journal of education, 10/2022, Letnik: 57, Številka: 3
    Journal Article

    L’article explore comment des enseignants d’écoles francophones de l’Ontario conçoivent la planification d’une activité Maker. Dans la tradition du faites-le vous-même, l’engouement sans ...
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Dostopno za: UL
Celotno besedilo
Dostopno za: UL

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zadetkov: 522

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