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zadetkov: 4.879
  • Precision Medicine Is Not Just Genomics: The Right Dose for Every Patient
    Peck, Richard W Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology, 01/2018, Letnik: 58
    Journal Article
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    Genomics has helped to initiate the era of precision medicine, with some drugs now prescribed on the basis of molecular genetic tests that indicate which patients are likely to respond or should not ...
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  • Trajectory and Achievements... Trajectory and Achievements of Morioka’s Family Sociology: Unfinished Family Change Theory
    Fujisaki, Hiroko Kazoku shakaigaku kenkyu, 2023/10/31, 2023-10-31, Letnik: 35, Številka: 2
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    The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the trajectory of Kiyomi Morioka’s research from a contemporary perspective in relation to postwar Japanese family sociology and family change. Dividing his ...
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Dostopno za: UL
  • The testis-specific proteas... The testis-specific proteasome subunit Prosα6T of D. melanogaster is required for individualization and nuclear maturation during spermatogenesis
    Zhong, Lei; Belote, John M. Development (Cambridge), 10/2007, Letnik: 134, Številka: 19
    Journal Article

    Most regulated proteolysis in eukaryotes is carried out by the 26S proteasome. This large, multisubunit complex comprises a catalytic core particle (20S proteasome) and a regulatory particle (19S ...
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Dostopno za: CMK, UL

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Dostopno za: CEKLJ, UL
  • Le chez-soi et les limites de l’individualisation : territoires personnels, statutaires et d’appartenances en déséquilibre
    Emmanuelle Maunaye; Elsa Ramos Enfances, familles, générations, 03/2022, Letnik: 39
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    Research context: This article takes on the point of view that places the focus on the individual, despite belonging within a family group, and explores the concept of home as a space that ...
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Dostopno za: UL
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Dostopno za: UL
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Dostopno za: UL
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Dostopno za: UL

  • Fast delivery, on demand: h... Fast delivery, on demand: how flexibility and individualization policy are enacted in Swedish municipal adult education
    Holmqvist, Diana; Andersson, Per; Muhrman, Karolina Nordic journal of studies in educational policy, 2024, 2024-01-01, Letnik: 10, Številka: 1
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    National policy states that Swedish adult education should be flexible and individualized, based on students’ needs. However, adult education in Sweden is a municipal responsibility with a high level ...
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Dostopno za: UL
  • L’entreprise libérée et ses... L’entreprise libérée et ses doubles : Mythe(s) et/ou réalité(s) ?
    David Mélo Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques : RS&A, 11/2021, Letnik: 52, Številka: 2
    Journal Article
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    This article examines a trend in managerial practices that has had some success in recent times: the freedom-form company and its doubles. In a context where the question of discomfort at work is the ...
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Dostopno za: UL
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zadetkov: 4.879

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