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  • Samuel Beckett in problematika (samo)prevajanja dramskih del Čakajoč Godota in Konec igre : (angleščina in francoščina kot tuji jezik) [Elektronski vir] = Samuel Beckett and the problematics of (self)translation of dramatic works Waiting for Godot and Endgame : (English and French as Foreign Languages) = Samuel Beckett et la problématique de l'(auto)traduction des oeuvres dramatiques En attendant Godot et Fin de partie : (Anglais et français langues étrangères) : diplomsko delo
    Jovanović, Snežana, 1978-
    In my thesis I have presented the life and works of Samuel Beckett, writer of plays and self-translator. Based on his major plays of the Theatre of the Absurd, Waiting for Godot and Endgame, I have ... tried to analyse the problem of self-translation and translation. In addition, I have presented an example of the double original almost unique in the world and at the same time compared the process of Beckett's self-translation with the translation process into the Slovenian language. Samuel Beckett is one of the greatest writers of the 20th century who has immensely contributed to the development of new directions in literature - the nouveau roman (new novel) and the absurdist drama. Although some literary critics have placed him amongst the existentialists, then the absurdists, and in the later period of his life amongst the minimalists, Samuel Beckett himself never wanted to be classified in any genre of literary expression. Nevertheless, the fact remains that he is regarded as one of the most prominent representatives of the Theatre of the Absurd. His absurdist plays Waiting for Godot and Endgame contain all the basic elements of Theatre of the Absurd and discuss the theme of a desperate human being who slowly but steadily deteriorates, both mentally and physically. His physical strength declines and his language steadily disintegrates. The communication with another human being is absurd, even gruesomely comical and without real effect. Because it does not bring any constructive solutions, it inevitably leads to silence. The individual is left with only a faint memory of past events, which may or may not even be true, but serve only a means to escape from the dullness. The individual is trapped in a cyclical repetition of a meaningless everyday life. The human being in the absurdist drama cannot escape his miserable fate as he vegetates in a post-apocalyptic world awaiting his bitter end, but it seems that his deliverance never comes. I believe that Samuel Beckett's life was marked the most by those things that have served as an excellent basis for the creation of a new literary genre - the Theatre of the Absurd, which is why I have presented them in detail. The most important factors are certainly the socio-political changes of the time in which he lived, his friendship with James Joyce, his decision to write in a foreign language and consequently "without style", and the systematic self-translation of his works. In his lifetime, Samuel Beckett has experienced two world wars and witnessed the decline of everything that surrounded him: the decline of nature, values, religion, society and the individual. Every single aspect of such a decline can be traced in his plays Waiting for Godot and Endgame. From the moment he met James Joyce, befriended him and worked closely with him, Beckett recognized in Joyce a true literary genius. James Joyce was an outstanding writer, an incredible erudite, who with his knowledge and artistic expression made a remarkable impression on Samuel Beckett. When the latter realized that as a writer he would never be able to compete with such a great man who has in his eyes accomplished everything, Samuel Beckett decided that his literary expression would become diametrically opposed to that of Joyce's. Beckett's decision about his further literary path crucially marked his style of expression. He began to write in a foreign language, reducing the vocabulary and eliminating all the unnecessary linguistic embellishments, thus triggering the creation process "without style", since the psychological processes of expression in a foreign language are quite different from those when writing in a mother tongue. He successfully used all of this to his advantage in order to illustrate the decay of language and the man's inability to communicate with others in the Theatre of the Absurd.
    Vrsta gradiva - diplomsko delo ; neleposlovje za odrasle
    Založništvo in izdelava - Ljubljana : [S. Jovanović], 2016
    Jezik - slovenski
    COBISS.SI-ID - 60730978

Knjižnica Signatura – lokacija, inventarna št. ... Status izvoda
FF, Osrednja humanistična knjižnica, Ljubljana OHK - Germanistika
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