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  • 25 godina priznavanja i zaš...
    Šunjić, Krešimir; Varnica, Ivan; Jukić, Goran

    Sjemenarstvo, 10/2023, Letnik: 34, Številka: 1-2
    Journal Article

    Prema uzoru na razvijene Europske zemlje Vlada Republike Hrvatske 1998. godine osniva Zavod (danas Centar) za sjemenarstvo i rasadničarstvo kao nacionalno ovlašteno tijelo za provođenje svih poslova iz područja sjemenarstva i rasadničarstva. Područje priznavanja i zaštite sorti poljoprivrednog bilja provodi se prema Zakonu u sjemenu, sadnom materijalu i priznavanju sorti poljoprivrednog bilja (NN 110/21), Zakonu o zaštiti biljnih sorti (NN 131/97, 62/00, 67/08, 124/10 i 124/11), Pravilnikom o upisu sorti u Sortnu listu (NN 48/23), Pravilnikom o priznavanju sorti poljoprivrednog bilja (NN 99/08, 100/09, 109/10 i 77/13), Pravilniku o izmjenama i dopunama Pravilnika o priznavanju sorti poljoprivrednog bilja (NN57/18) i Pravilnikom o postupku utvrđivanja različitosti, ujednačenosti i postojanosti novih biljnih sorti u svrhu dodjeljivanja oplemenjivačkog prava i priznavanja sorti (NN 61/11). U radu će se dati prikaz 25 godina rada u području priznavanja i zaštite biljnih sorti u nacionalnom ovlaštenom tijelu. Following the example of developed European countries, the Government of the Republic of Croatia established the Institute (now the Center) for seed and seedling in 1998 as a nationally designated autority for carrying out all work in the field of seed production and seedlings. The field of registration and protection of varieties of agricultural plants is carried out according to the Law on seeds, planting material and registration of varieties of agricultural plants (NN 110/21), the Law on Protection of Plant Varieties (NN 131/97, 62/00, 67/08, 124/10 and 124/11), the Regulations on the entry of varieties in the Variety List (NN 48/23), the Regulations on the Registration of Agricultural Plant Varieties (NN 99/08, 100/09, 109/10 and 77/13), the Regulations on amendments on registration of varieties of agricultural plants (NN 57/18) and the Regulations on the procedure for determining the diversity, uniformity and stability of new plant varieties for the purpose of granting breeding rights and registration of varieties (NN 61/11). The paper will present an account of 25 years of work in the field of registration and protection of plant varieties in the nationally designated autority.