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  • Transrodnost i bioetička op...
    Maros, Zorica

    Crkva u svijetu, 2023, Letnik: 58, Številka: 4
    Journal Article, Paper

    Premda je medicinska skrb transrodnih osoba postojala već na početku 20. stoljeća, ozbiljnije proučavanje tog fenomena počelo je tek u drugoj polovici tog stoljeća. To je proučavanje pridonijelo smanjenju stigmatizacije transrodnih osoba, ali i istinskom nastojanju da im se pruži prikladna medicinska skrb i olakša neizreciva patnja koju prolaze zbog činjenice da im biološki spol nije u suglasju s rodnim identitetom. Ipak, unatoč novim spoznajama, o toj temi se još uvijek malo zna, budući da je jako kompleksna stvarnost. Zbog male količine relevantnih znanstvenih informacija i podataka otežan je proces dijagnosticiranja kao i proces definitivnog zbrinjavanja (tzv. afirmativni pristup) transrodnih osoba. Ovo osobito vrijedi za medicinsku skrb transrodne djece, čija tranzicija može započeti supresijom puberteta. Međutim, brojne su kritike te skrbi. Uza sve nejasnoće oko same etiologije stanja, golem je nedostatak empirijskih podataka na kojima bi se temeljilo ispravno postupanje, pa tako npr. opravdati blokiranje prirodnog procesa puberteta i primjenu spolnih hormona u svrhu postizanja fenotipa željenog spola. Cilj članka je istražiti spomenute kritike, kao i istražiti može li promjena spola biti bioetički i moralno opravdana. U cilju odgovora prvi dio članka predstavlja fenomenologiju transrodnosti, rodno afirmativnu terapiju i njezine kritike, dok drugi dio članka analizira moralnost rodno afirmativne terapije, odnosno bioetičku opravdanost promjene spola. Although medical care for transgender people existed already at the beginning of the 20th century, serious study of this phenomenon began only in the second half of that century. This study contributed to reducing the stigmatization of transgender people, but also to a genuine effort to provide them with appropriate medical care and ease the unspeakable suffering they go through due to the fact that their biological sex does not agree with their gender identity. However, despite the new findings, little is still known about this topic, since it is a very complex reality. Due to the small amount of relevant scientific information and data, the process of diagnosing as well as the process of definitive treatment (the so-called affirmative approach) of transgender persons is difficult. This is especially true for the medical care of transgender children, whose transition may begin with the suppression of puberty. However, there are numerous criticisms of this care. Besides all the uncertainties about the aetiology of the condition, there is a huge lack of empirical data on which to base correct treatment, such as justifying the blocking of the natural process of puberty and the use of sex hormones in order to achieve the phenotype of the desired sex. The aim of the article is to investigate the aforestated criticisms, as well as to investigate whether gender reassignment can be bioethically and morally justified. In order to answer, the first part of the article presents the phenomenology of transgenderism, gender-affirmative therapy and its criticisms, while the second part of the article analyses the morality of gender-affirmative therapy, that is, the bioethical justification of gender change.