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    Ribič, Jakob; Hrvatin, Varja; Radi Buh, Maša

    Amfiteater, 06/2023, Letnik: 11, Številka: 1
    Journal Article

    In the paper, the authors discuss the concept of staged readings, arguing that they are the predominant performance format for presentations of young playwriting. However, such presentations should not be understood as an intermediate stage between reading and performing but as a fully-fledged and independent artistic genre. Many staged readings thus lose the function of “first information” about the text and its author. Instead, they have become a proper way of performing a text, thus opening up a wider area for theatrical experimentation. Using concrete examples, the authors will reflect on practices characterised by the text becoming the main or even the only thing necessary for a theatrical event and reading (in all its possible ways and forms) becoming the key theatrical means. V pričujočem prispevku bomo obravnavali koncept bralnih uprizoritev. Ugotavljali bomo, da gre v polju mlade dramske pisave za prevladujoč uprizoritveni format, ki pa ga ne gre razumeti kot vmesno stopnjo med branjem in uprizarjanjem, temveč kot povsem samostojen in polnokrven umetniški žanr. Mnoge bralne uprizoritve so zato opustile funkcijo »prve informacije« o tekstu in njegovem avtorju ter namesto tega postale čisto prava uprizoritev teksta, s čimer se je odprlo široko polje za gledališki eksperiment. To bomo premišljevali na primeru konkretnih praks, za katere je značilno, da besedilo postane glavno ali celo edino, kar je za gledališki dogodek potrebno, branje (na vse mogoče načine in oblike) pa zato ključno gledališko sredstvo.