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  • Stavovi korisnika društveni...
    Čepo, Dario; Medlobi, Mateja

    Političke perspektive, 04/2019, Letnik: 8, Številka: 1-02
    Journal Article, Web Resource

    U radu su predstavljeni stavovi i uvjerenja korisnika društvenih mreža (Twitter i Facebook) prema izbjeglicama i tzv. izbjegličkoj krizi, koja je posljednjih godina eskalirala na globalnoj razini. Od 16. rujna 2015. do 3. svibnja 2016. godine kroz Hrvatsku je u tranzitu prošlo 658.068 izbjeglica te je, tijekom tog vremena, u javnosti predstavljen niz različitih stavova i interpretacije istih. Navedeni stavovi relevantni su za cjelokupnu situaciju povezanu s krizom u kontekstu utjecaja koji imaju na višerazinsku integraciju i položaj izbjeglica u hrvatskom društvu. U ovom radu ispitivani su stavovi prema izbjeglicama, posebno se fokusirajući na povezanost iskazanih stavova i socio-demografskih obilježja ispitanika, njihova nacionalnog identiteta, učestalosti kontakta, spremnosti na pomoć izbjeglicama, te političkog opredjeljenja. Istraživanje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku, putem online upitnika kojim su relevantne varijable ispitane kroz tri skupine pitanja, koja su mjerila ugroženost i jednaki tretman, te socijalnu distancu. Rezultati pokazuju kako ispitanici imaju pretežno pozitivne stavove prema izbjeglicama unatoč manjoj količini kontakta, te kako iskazuju nisku percepciju ugroženosti zbog dolaska izbjeglica i vjeruju kako za sve osobe u Hrvatskoj trebaju postojati jednake životne prilike. Zanimljive korelacije dobivene su u pogledu nacionalnog identiteta, te spremnosti pružanja pomoći. Rad se bavi navedenom tematikom kroz fokus na stavove ispitanika u suvremenom hrvatskom kontekstu, a relevantan je u pogledu mogućeg utjecaja koji mišljenje građana i potencijalne predrasude imaju na uspjeh procesa integracije onih osoba koje će svoj život graditi u Republici Hrvatskoj. The paper presents attitudes and opinions of Croatian social network users (Twitter and Facebook) towards refugees and the so-called refugee crisis, which globally escalated in recent years. Croatia was, for the first time since the early 1990s, directly influenced by the refugee problem, migrations as well as with all the challenges that follow it. Since September 16th 2015 until May 3rd 2016 Croatia saw 658 068 refugees transiting it to reach the Western countries. During that time the public was under influence of diverging attitudes and interpretations of what repercussions that transit would entail. These attitudes are relevant for the current situation connected with the so-called refugee crisis in the context of its influence on the multidimensional integration and the support of the Croatian society towards refugees. This paper analyzed attitudes toward refugees, focusing especially on the link of attitudes shown and socio-demographic characteristics. We focused on their national identity, frequency of contact with refugees, willingness to help and political positions. The research was undertaken through an online questionnaire. The relevant variables were gauged through three main factors – feeling of danger, equal treatment, and social distance. The results show that our sample has dominantly positive attitudes towards refugees despite a lack of contact. They show low perception of the feeling of danger and believe that there should be equal opportunities for all individuals living in or coming to Croatia. We obtained interesting correlations concerning national identity and the willingness to help. This paper focused on the attitudes of citizens in the contemporary Croatian context. It is relevant concerning potential influence that citizens’ attitudes (together with prejudices exposed) have on the success of the integration process of those individuals that decided to continue their lives in Croatia.