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  • Kriza duhovnosti ili duhovn...
    Parlov, Mladen

    Bogoslovska smotra, 2023, Letnik: 93, Številka: 3
    Journal Article, Paper

    U uvodnim napomenama autor donosi razloge zbog kojih se Crkva, odnosno kršćanska duhovnost koju on u najširem smislu poistovjećuje s kršćanskom kulturom, mora trajno nalaziti u krizi, jer to proizlazi iz same naravi Crkve i njezina poslanja. Autor potom donosi kratak prikaz razvoja krize duhovnosti na Zapadu, zaključujući kako je nastupilo vrijeme neopoganstva u obliku kozmičkog panteizma, odnosno ekologije kao nove religije suvremenog zapadnog čovjeka. Neopoganstvo ulazi u zakonodavstvo te postaje prisutno u svim sferama zapadnoga društvenog života. Autor potom navodi i opisuje neke od značajki društva u kojem je iznova zavladalo poganstvo: individualizam, relativizam, ekologizam, moralna i duhovna dezorijentacija, strah od smrti, profit iznad svega itd. U zadnjem dijelu članka autor izlaže odgovore koje su na postojeću krizu ponudili neki teolozi (J. B. Metz i J. Ratzinger) te potom navodi kako u praksi postoje tri odgovora koje kršćanstvo nudi na aktualnu krizu: bijeg, borba, suradnja. Autor potom nudi i četvrti mogući odgovor: obraćenje i povratak Isusu Kristu i jasnoći njegove poruke, odnosno poziv da se u središte kršćanstva i poruke koju ono nudi svijetu iznova stavi Boga. In the opening remarks, the author outlines the reasons why the Church, that is, Christian spirituality, which he identifies with Christian culture in the broadest sense, must be permanently in crisis, as it stems from the very nature of the Church and her mission. The author then provides a brief account of the development of the crisis of spirituality in the West, concluding that the time of neo-paganism in the form of cosmic pantheism, i.e., ecology as the new religion of modern Western man, has come. Neopaganism has entered legislation and has become present in all spheres of Western social life. The author proceeds to describe some of the features of a society in which paganism reigns again: individualism, relativism, environmentalism, moral and spiritual disorientation, fear of death, profit above all, etc. In the last part of the article, the author presents the answers offered by some theologians to the existing crisis (J. B. Metz and J. Ratzinger) and then argues that in practice there are three answers that Christianity offers to the current crisis: escape, fight, cooperation. The author offers a fourth possible answer: conversion and return to Jesus Christ and the clarity of his message, that is, a call to once again place God at the centre of Christianity and the message it offers to the world.