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    Torrecilla, Angélica Cabrera

    Alpha (Osorno, Chile), 12/2021 53
    Journal Article

    Abstract This article presents an approach to the short story "The Aleph" (1945) by Jorge Luis Borges based on the parallel universes subject from two perspectives, the mathematical concept of transfinite, and the everyday life observation. Following Max Tegmark's hierarchy of the multiverse, it is set out to extend its philosophical content by defining how "The Aleph" argues the idea of the multiverse. On the one hand, this short story is capable of reflecting the motley spatiotemporal state of other simultaneous coexisting universes and, on the other hand, it can compress all its complexity into the simplest figure for its representation, the point. Borges (2013) mismo anotó en el "Epílogo" de El Aleph que "las piezas de este libro corresponden al género fantástico" (p. 345); sin embargo, admitió también que dos de los cuentos, "El Zahir" (1949) y "El Aleph" (1945), se vieron influenciados por "El huevo de cristal" (The Crystal Egg,1897) de H. G. Wells, un cuento considerado por los críticos como perteneciente al género de la ciencia ficción.