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  • Ecotourism Management in Ba...
    Ionuţ Mircea Petroman; Ioan Csosz; Cornelia Petroman; Diana Marin; B. Momir; C. Bejan

    Lucrări științifice zootehnie şi biotehnologii, 09/2023, Letnik: 47, Številka: 2
    Journal Article

    The strategies developed in the field of ecotourism contribute to the creation of a favourable environment in this sector of activity and to the meeting of tourists’ demands without endangering the natural resources in the Banat’s protected areas. Management should take into account the main requirements regarding the ecological exploitation of the areas, the judicious exploitation of the tourist flows and the establishment of support thresholds as well as the implementation of material recycling measures in the area. Cooperation between rural and ecological tourism produces benefits such as diversification of economic activities, development of infrastructure and increase of demand for rural goods and services – all this contributing to the long-term economic stability in areas with such natural resources.