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  • Wolf, Igor

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    U radu je izvršena numerička i eksperimentalna analiza parametara toplinske ugodnosti uredskoga prostora klimatiziranog istovremenim radom dvaju podstropnih, paralelnih terminalnih uređaja. Pri njihovu istovremenom pogonu može doći do međudjelovanja proizvedenih turbulentnih površinskih mlazova i nastanka složenih strujanja, koja utječu na ugodnost boravka u prostoru. S ciljem matematičkoga opisa značajki mlazova, metodom laser- Doppler-anemometriranja (LDA) izvršen je čitav niz pokusnih mjerenja. Istraženi su profili brzina u mlazovima, opadanje maksimalne brzine i druge značajke, za tri različite međusobne udaljenosti terminalnih uređaja i za tri brzine vrtnje ventilatora. Za svih devet analiziranih slučajeva, u drugoj fazi eksperimentalnih mjerenja utvrđena je raspodjela temperaturnih i polja brzina unutar zone boravka u prostoru, te je uporabom PMVPPD modela ocijenjena razina toplinske ugodnosti. Sva su mjerenja odrađena u Laboratoriju za toplinsku ugodnost na Tehničkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Rijeci, u kojem je pripremljen model uredskoga prostora s jednim vanjskim zidom, okružen jednako klimatiziranim prostorijama. U nastavku rada postavljen je matematički model trodimenzijskoga vremenski ustaljena strujanja zraka i izmjene topline u promatranome uredskom prostoru. Model je riješen numeričkom metodom kontrolnih volumena, uporabom komercijalna računalnog CFD programa FLUENT. Razvijeni numerički model vrednovan je usporedbom s eksperimentalnim mjerenjima. Ta je usporedba pokazala dobro podudaranje rezultata, te dokazala opravdanost primjene modela kod procjenjivanja toplinske ugodnosti sličnih prostora. A numerical and experimental analysis of thermal comfort in an open – plan office has been carried out in the thesis. The office is air-conditioned by two parallel ceiling air terminal devices (ATDs). During simultaneous operation of the ATDs, an interaction of produced turbulent wall jets can occur resulting in complex airflow patterns within the room that influence on the achievable level of thermal comfort. With the aim of mathematical description of the jet characteristics, a set of experimental measurements was performed using laser-Doppleranemometer (LDA) method. Velocity profiles in the jets, axial velocity decays and other relevant jet characteristics were investigated for three different distances between the ATDs and three fan speeds. For all 9 cases, in the second phase of the experimental measurements, temperature and velocity fields within the occupation zone were determined and thermal comfort evaluated using the PMV-PPD model. All the measurements were performed in a test room representing an open-plan office having one external wall and surrounded by equally conditioned spaces. The test room is situated in the Laboratory of Thermal Comfort at the Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka. A three-dimensional steady-state mathematical model of the fluid flow and heat transfer problem was the base for development of a numerical tool for the assessment of thermal comfort. The model was solved using CFD software FLUENT, based on the control volume method. Comparison of the results showed a good agreement between the numerical simulations and experimental measurements.