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  • Aleksandra Vajd


    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Time intervals and body obstacles are creating a frame for a structure manifested by movements in response to the surrounding space. The relationship between perception and sense organ location finds division in a synthesis of sensations. The function of seeing and the seer is related to the eyes including some that are for appearance only, as the night bird which has eye-spots on the back of the head. While the silent darkness becomes louder an experience searches for coherence in a state of awareness. Through a flat surface the uncovered limbs are acceding to a projected inside like touching a view left behind. While wearing space I see you with my skin. Alessio Silvestrin- Časovni intervali in telesne ovire ustvarjajo okvir za zgradbo, ki se izraža z gibi in odziva na okolico. Razmerje med zaznavanjem in položajem čutilnega organa najde delitev v sintezi občutij. Funkcija gledanja in videc sta povezana z očmi, tudi s tistimi zgolj navideznimi. Najdemo jih na primer pri nočni ptici, ki ima na zadnji strani glave očesne lise. Ko nema tema postane glasnejša, išče izkušnja v stanju zavesti koherentnost. Nezakriti udi skozi ravno površino pristopajo k projektirani notranjosti, kot da se dotikajo pogleda, ki je ostal za njimi. Ko nosim prostor, te gledam s kožo. Alessio Silvestrin- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana