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  • 20/09/1971
    Video Recording

    Extended description: Univerza v Mariboru je bila pravno formalno ustanovljena 2.7.1975 in odprta 18.9.1975. Univerza je nastala iz mariborskega visokošolskega središča. V osnutku resolucije o dolgoročnem razvoju SR Slovenije iz leta 1971 je bilo zapisano, da naj bi Slovenija do leta 1985 imela dvoje univerzitetnih središč. Mariborski študentje in njihova kulturno udejstvovanje; Maribor, mladi na ulicah, lokali, izložbe, plakati, napisi - table različnih šol, srečanja študentov, visokošolski center, o dejavnosti mladih govori Forstnerič; knjižnica, študentje delijo vabila na ulici; mladinski klub, plesni tečaj, folklorna skupina, pevski zbor poje, KUD študent, izjava, študentje so pripravili kulturni program na ulici kot izziv instituciji: berejo pesmi, razstavljajo slike, o tem govori nasprotnik pop arta in fotografije kot umetnosti. Študentje z mentorji pripravljajo proslavo ob 30 - letnici vstaje; recitacije Kajuhovih pesmi, dogajanje na ulici, študentje , med njimi Edvin Flisar. Sodelovali so še: Franček Rudolf, Janez Švajncer. The University of Maribor was established on the 2nd of July 1975, and opened on the 18th of September 1975. The University of Maribor was formed from the higher centers. In a draft resolution regarding the long-term development of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia from 1971, it was stated that by 1985 Slovenia should have at least two university centers. Students of Maribor and their cultural activities, young people on the streets, bars, shop windows, posters, signs - signs of different schools, meeting of students, university center, library, students share invitations on the street, youth club, dance classes, folk group, choral singing. Students had prepared a cultural programme for the street festivities as a challenge to the institution: poetry reading, pictures displaying, pop art and photography art. Students and their mentors preparing to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Student Uprising. Showing events on the street, students gathering, amongst them is Edvin Flisar. Information: Students of the University of Maribor. Original language summary: Študentje mariborskega visokošolskega centra.