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    Pentek, Tibor; Poršinsky, Tomislav; Damić, Darija; Papa, Ivica; Đuka, Andreja

    Šumarski list, 10/2016, Letnik: 140, Številka: 9-10
    Journal Article, Paper

    Planiranje šumskih prometnica, kao prva, nezaobilazna i vrlo važna faza uspostavljanja optimalne/najbolje moguće mreže primarne šumske prometne infrastrukture na terenu, može biti na: 1) strateškoj, 2) taktičkoj te 3) operativnoj razini. Strateško i taktičko planiranje odnose se na planiranje cjelokupne mreže primarnih šumskih prometnica, dok se operativno planiranje odnosi na planiranje pojedinačne šumske ceste. Rezultat taktičkog planiranja primarnih šumskih prometnica je, ili bi bar trebala biti, Studija primarnog otvaranja šuma pojedine gospodarske jedinice (dalje: Studija). Nepostojanje (pod)zakonske obveze izrade Studije, dokumenta u kojemu bi se objedinili svi rezultati rada pri taktičkom planiranju primarne šumske prometne infrastrukture na razini gospodarske jedinice, predstavlja velik problem pri optimizaciji primarne šumske prometne infrastrukture, poglavito neotvorenih ili nedovoljno otvorenih šuma. Unatoč čestom ukazivanju na navedeni problem, ali i na mogućnosti njegova rješavanja/umanjenja, kroz značajan broj radova različitih autora koji su se u svojem znanstvenom radu bavili problematikom otvaranja šuma, rezultati istraživanja i konkretne preporuke do danas nisu naišle na širu primjenu u operativnome šumarstvu. Tijekom izrade Programa Ruralnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje 2014.–2020. (dalje: Program), EU je zatražila od Republike Hrvatske da osmisli dokument kojim će se analizirati i ocijeniti kvantiteta i kvaliteta prostornog rasporeda primarne šumske prometne infrastrukture određene gospodarske jedinice, utvrditi potreba daljnjega primarnog otvaranja šuma, definirati položaj idejnih trasa planiranih šumskih prometnica te uskladiti gustoća mreže primarnih šumskih prometnica na taktičkoj razini s preporučenim vrijednostima pojedinog reljefnog područja na strateškoj razini planiranja primarne šumske prometne infrastrukture. U okviru Pravilnika o provedbi mjere M04 »Ulaganja u fizičku imovinu«, podmjere 4.3. »Potpora za ulaganja u infrastrukturu vezano uz razvoj, modernizaciju i prilagodbu poljoprivrede i šumarstva«, tipa operacije 4.3.3. »Ulaganje u šumsku infrastrukturu« iz Programa ruralnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje 2014.–2020. (NN 106/15) (dalje: Pravilnik) se nalazi prilog 1 – Obrazac za izradu Elaborata učinkovitosti mreže šumskih prometnica – primarne šumske prometne infrastrukture (dalje: Elaborat), koji je u potpunosti zadovoljio postavljene kriterije EU. U radu se: 1) kritički raščlanjuju osnovne sastavnice Elaborata s posebnim naglaskom na njegovu sastavnicu B. – Analiza postojeće mreže primarne šumske prometne infrastrukture, 2) detaljno pojašnjava metodologija izrade registra primarne šumske prometne infrastrukture, 3) opisuju novodefinirani kriteriji određivanja gustoće primarne šumske prometne infrastrukture, 4) u odnos se radi međusobne usporedbe dovode Elaborat i Studija, te 5) donose se preporuke o budućim aktivnostima usmjerenima ka poboljšanju taktičkog planiranja primarne šumske prometne infrastrukture. The Effectiveness Study of Primary Forest Road Traffic Infrastructure – an alternative to Study of Primary Forest Opening or just a short-term solution? Planning forest roads, as the first, inevitable and very important stage in establishing optimal i.e. best possible primary forest traffic infrastructure network, can be on: 1. strategic, 2. tactical and 3. operational level. Strategic and tactical planning level relate to planning of the entire primary forest road network, while operational planning refers to the planning of an individual forest road. The result of the tactical planning of primary forest roads is, or at least should be, the Study of Primary Forest Opening of an individual management units (hereinafter: The Study). The absence of legal obligation in producing the Study, the document in which all work results of tactical planning primary forest traffic infrastructure, at the management unit level, would be consolidated, is a major problem in the optimization of primary forest traffic infrastructure, particularly in unopened or insufficiently opened forest areas. Despite frequent emphasizing to this problem and the possibilities of its solving/reduction, a significant number of papers by various authors who have in their scientific work dealt with the issue of forest opening, research results and applicable recommendations are still not used broadly in practical forestry. While establishing Program of Rural Development in Republic of Croatia in period from 2014 to 2020, EU authorities have requested from Croatian authorities a document which includes analysis and evaluation data, regarding the quantity and quality of the primary forest traffic infrastructure network spatial distribution of a specific management unit, which will determine the need of further primary forest opening, which will also define concept design alignment of planned forest roads and will accord primary forest road density at the tactical level with the recommended values of individual relief area categories on the strategic level of primary forest traffic infrastructure planning. In the Bylaw on measure implementation M04 »Investments in physical assets«, by-measure 4.3 »Grant for investments in development, modernization and customization of agriculture and forestry«, operation type 4.3.3 »Investments in forest infrastructure« from the Program of Rural Development in Republic of Croatia in period from 2014 to 2020 (NN 106/15) (hereinafter: The Bylaw) holds an appendix No. 1 – Form for the Effectiveness Study of Primary Forest Road Traffic Infrastructure (hereinafter: The Effectiveness Study), which was completely satisfactory to EU authorities’ requests. This paper will: 1) critically analyze the basic components of the Effectiveness Study with special emphasis on the component B – Analysis of the existing primary forest traffic infrastructure network, 2) explain in details the methodology of primary forest traffic infrastructure registry production, 3) describe the newly defined criteria for determining density of primary forest road infrastructure, 4) define the relationship and differences of the Effectiveness Study and the Study of Primary Forest Opening, and 5) give recommendations on future activities aimed at improving tactical planning of primary forest traffic infrastructure.