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  • Časopisi Mladi Istranin i M...
    Klančar, Alen; Tomičić, Mariela; Jurdana, Vjekoslava

    Libri et liberi, 09/2023, Letnik: 12, Številka: 1
    Journal Article

    Književno stvaralaštvo Viktora Cara Emina (1870. – 1963.) opsežno je i raznoliko, a kao pripadnik druge generacije istarskih preporoditelja veći dio svojega opusa objavljuje u jeku hrvatskoga narodnoga preporoda u Istri. Istodobno je i suradnik u listu Naša sloga. Odgojno-obrazovni i kulturni razvoj hrvatske djece i mladeži bio je jedan od najvažnijih oblika borbe za opstanak hrvatskoga bića u to vrijeme. U tom okviru valja sagledati i stvaralaštvo Cara Emina za djecu i mladež. On je 1909. godine u Opatiji pokrenuo književni mjesečnik Mladi Istranin: list za mladi svijet koji od 1910. godine izlazi pod imenom Mladi Hrvat. Taj je književni časopis za djecu i mladež idejno komplementaran s listom Naša sloga jer im je temelj narodna borba protiv odnarođivanja, domoljublje i nacionalno osvješćivanje. Cilj je ovoga rada prikazati izvornu građu o tom kako je list Naša sloga podržao i pratio pokretanje i rad Car Eminovih časopisa. The literary work of Viktor Car Emin (1870–1963) is extensive and diverse. As a member of the second generation of Istrian revivalists, he published most of his opus during the Croatian National Revival in Istria. At the same time, he was a contributor to the newspaper Naša sloga. The educational and cultural development of Croatian children and young people was one of the most important challenges for the survival of the Croatian being at that time. Car Emin’s work for children and adolescents should therefore be considered in this context. In 1909 he started the literary monthly journal Mladi Istranin. List za mladi svijet in Opatija, a newspaper for children and youth that changed its name to Mladi Hrvat in 1910. This literary magazine was complementary to the newspaper Naša sloga because both were founded on patriotism and national awareness as well as on the struggle against denationalisation. The goal of this study is to present the original material on how the newspaper Naša sloga supported and followed the launch and the work of Car Emin’s magazines.