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  • Verifying Basic Attachment ...
    Vidaković, Marina; Ombla, Jelena

    Psihologijske teme, 2018, Letnik: 27, Številka: 2
    Journal Article

    Glavni je cilj ovog istraživanja bio provjeriti primjenjivost osnovnih koncepata teorije privrženosti u području veza ljudi i njihovih kućnih ljubimaca, odnosno definirati osnovna obilježja spomenutog odnosa u kontekstu privrženosti. Privrženost je u odnosu vlasnik-kućni ljubimac interpretirana u kontekstu bliskih odnosa u okviru obiteljske, romantične i prijateljske domene. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 219 vlasnika kućnih ljubimaca (pasa), koji su osobno kontaktirani te su pristali popuniti upitnik. Mjerni su instrumenti zastupljeni u primijenjenom upitniku Upitnik karakteristika i funkcija privrženosti, Modificirani Brennanov Inventar iskustava u bliskim vezama i Upitnik privrženosti prema kućnim ljubimcima. U odnosu je s kućnim ljubimcem izražena funkcija separacijske anksioznosti pred sigurnim utočištem kao indikatorom realizacije privrženog ponašanja. Vlasnici pasa percipiraju odnos s romantičnim partnerom kao onaj u kojem je najsnažniji doživljaj sigurnog utočišta, dok je isti najmanje izražen upravo u odnosu s kućnim ljubimcem. Razlike u doživljaju separacijske anksioznosti među odnosima nešto su manje izražene iako prisutne i podržavaju vodeći status partnerskog odnosa. Utvrđen je nizak stupanj konzistencije među dimenzijama privrženosti u odnosima s ljudima i odnosu sa psom kao kućnim ljubimcem. Pojedinci koji su skloniji izbjegavati bliskost i odbijati intimnost vjerojatnije će i realizirati manje privrženih ponašanja u specifičnim odnosima (vrijedi za sve ispitivane vrste odnosa). Istraživanje je pridonijelo definiranju karakteristika odnosa vlasnik-kućni ljubimac jer se njime zahvaća pretpostavljena uloga koju privrženost igra u takvom odnosu. Općenito, rezultati upućuju na zaključak prema kojem odnos s kućnim ljubimcem te odnosi u preostale tri bliske interpersonalne domene dijele u određenoj mjeri zajedničku osnovu, u smislu kvalitete privrženosti, u teorijski očekivanom smjeru. Može se zaključiti da odnos s kućnim ljubimcem imitira blizak interpersonalni odnos. El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue verificar la aplicabilidad de conceptos básicos de la teoría de lealtad en relaciones dueño-mascota, o sea, definir las características básicas de dicha relación en el contexto de lealtad. La lealtad en relación dueño-mascota se ha interpretado en el contexto de relaciones cercanas del dominio familiar, romántico y amistoso. En la investigación participaron 219 dueños de mascotas (perros) contactados personalmente y que aceptaron rellenar el cuestionario. Los instrumentos de medición fueron los siguientes: el Cuestionario de Características y Funciones de Lealtad, el Inventario de Experiencias en Relaciones Cercanas de Brennan modificado y el Cuestionario de Lealtad a las Mascotas. En la relación con la mascota está acentuada la función de ansiedad por separación del refugio seguro como indicador de realización del comportamiento leal. Los dueños del perro perciben la relación con su pareja romántica como la relación que ofrece la sensación más fuerte de refugio seguro, mientras que la misma sensación está menos percibida en la relación con su mascota. Las diferencias en la sensación de ansiedad por separación entre las relaciones están menos expresadas, aunque presentes y apoyando el estatus líder que tiene la relación con la pareja. Se ha determinado un nivel bajo de consistencia entre las dimensiones de lealtad en relaciones con la gente y en relación con el perro como mascota. Es más probable que las personas que tienden a evitar la cercanía y rechazar la intimidad, que realicen menos comportamientos leales en relaciones específicas (vale para todo tipo de relaciones investigadas). La investigación ha contribuido a definir las características de la relación dueño-mascota ya que cubre también el supuesto papel que la lealtad tiene en este tipo de relaciones. En general, los resultados llevan a la conclusión que la relación con la mascota y las relaciones en otros tres dominios cercanos interpersonales en cierta medida comparten la base, en el sentido de la calidad de lealtad, en la dirección teoréticamente esperada. Se puede concluir que la relación con la mascota imita la relación cercana interpersonal. The main purpose of this research was to test the applicability of the basic concepts of the attachment theory in the field of relationship between humans and their pets, i.e. to define the basic features of the aforementioned relationship in the context of attachment. The relationship between the owner and the pet is interpreted in the context of close relationships within a family, romantic and friendly domain. The survey included 219 dog owners, who were personally contacted and who agreed to fill in the questionnaire. The measuring instruments used in the questionnaire were as follows: Attachment Features and Functions Questionnaire, Modified Experiences in Close Relationships Inventory, Attachment to pets questionnaire. In a relationship with a pet, the function of separation anxiety before a safe haven is shown as an indicator of the attached behaviour. A relationship with a romantic partner is perceived by the dog owners as the one with the most powerful experience of a safe haven, while a relationship with a pet is perceived as the least powerful. Differences in the experience of separation anxiety between relationships are somewhat less evident, although they are present and support the leading status of a relationship with a romantic partner. A low degree of consistency among the dimensions of attachment in a relationship with humans and a relationship with a pet has been established. Individuals who are more inclined to avoid closeness and refuse intimacy are more likely to establish fewer attached behaviours in specific relationships (applies to all investigated types of relationships). The research has contributed to defining the characteristics of the relationship between the owner and the pet since it includes the presumed role of the attachment in such a relationship. Generally, the results point towards the conclusion in the theoretically expected direction, which is that the relationship with the pet relates to the remaining three close interpersonal domains in terms of quality of attachment. It can be concluded that the relationship with the pet imitates a close interpersonal relationship.