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  • Žeravica, Katarina

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    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Osnovu moje doktorske disertacije čini istraživanje prisustva ironije i satire te načini njihove uporabe i implementacije u dramskim ostvarenjima Maxa Frischa (1911.- 1991.), švicarskog dramatičara i romanopisca. Iako su njegove drame i romani, zajedno s književnim djelima Friedricha Dürrenmatta, među najznačajnijim doprinosima švicarske književnosti svjetskom književnom nasljeđu 20. stoljeća, dramska djela Maxa Frischa još su relativno neistražena i nepoznata čitateljskoj i kazališnoj publici u Hrvatskoj. Iz tog je razloga namjera ove disertacije propitivanjem ironije, satire i njihovih elemenata u dramama Maxa Frischa pridonijeti njihovom boljem razumijevanju te ujedno približiti dramsko pismo Maxa Frischa široj publici u Hrvatskoj. Ironija i satira dva su vrlo kompleksna fenomena koji nalaze svoje mjesto u umjetnosti, filozofiji, književnosti, književnoj teoriji, lingvistici i svakodnevnome životu, a u isto vrijeme spomenuti su fenomeni prošli mnoge promjene i interpretacije, ovisno o društveno-kulturnom kontekstu ili dominantnim književnim i filozofskim teorijama razdoblja u kojem su promatrane i analizirane. Stoga ovaj rad želi pokazati kako 20. stoljeće sa svojim tekovinama utječe na ironiju i satiru, kako ih oblikuje, ali rad istovremeno nastoji prikazati i načine kojima im Frisch pristupa u svojim dramama. Njihova prisutnost, povezanost s parodijom/groteskom te konačni učinak njihova djelovanja ne ovisi samo o temama koje Frisch otvara u svojim dramama, a koje se tiču druge polovice 20. stoljeća, već ovisi i o načinu na koji te teme autor obrađuje u svojim dramama. To dalje rezultira različitim „nijansama“ ironije i satire – od onih koje ostavljaju „gorak okus u ustima“ do onih koje mogu zabaviti, pomirljivog su tona i rezultiraju dobrim humorom.- The basis for my PhD thesis is the exploration of the presence of irony and satire and the way they are used and incorporated in the dramatic works of Max Frisch (1911 – 1991), a Swiss playwright and novelist. Although his plays and novels, together with the literary works of Friedrich Dürrenmatt, are probably the greatest contribution of Swiss literature to the world literary heritage of the 20th century, Max Frisch’s dramatic works are still relatively unknown and unexplored by the audience and readers in Croatia. Therefore, by exploring irony, satire and their elements in his plays the intention is also to contribute to better understanding of his drama works and to facilitate introducing his achievements as a playwright to the Croatian audience. Irony and satire are rather complex phenomena which have found their respective place in arts, philosophy, literary theory, linguistics and everyday life and have gone through many changes gaining on different meanings and interpretations, depending on the sociocultural context, dominant literary and philosophical theories of a certain period of time in which they are analyzed and observed. Thus, this paper shows that the 20th century influences and shapes irony and satire and the way Frisch implements them in his plays. Their presence, impact, connection to parody/grotesque and the final outcome of their workings within the plays depend not only on the topics based on the problems of the second half of the 20th century that Frisch addresses but also on the way in which he addresses them which then result in delicate nuances of both irony and satire – from those which provoke a dry smile and leave a bitter taste in our mouth to those that are amusing, reconciling and result in a good humor.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana