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Celotno besedilo

  • 22/01/1982
    Video Recording

    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Extended description: Popoldne je bila na ljubljanskih Žalah poslednja žalna slovesnost za umrlimi v letalski nesreči, ki se je zgodila 1. decembra lani v korziških gorah. Ob skupnem grobišču, ki bo poslej spominsko obeležje tega dogodka in vseh preminulih v njem, se je zbralo več tisoč ljudi, med njimi svojci, prijatelji in znanci ponesrečencev, slovenski politični in cerkveni vrh; Vinko Hafner, udeleženec komemoracije, Marjan Rožič predsednik mestne skupščine Ljubljana in govornik na prireditvi ter nadškof Alojzij Šuštar. Zbor poje prekmursko pesem Vsi so venci vejli, venci, krste, nagelj v roki, prižiganje sveče. In the afternoon of the 22nd of January 1982, the last mourning ceremony was held at the Ljubljana Žale cemetery. The ceremony was held to remember the victims who died in a plane crash, which occurred on 1st of December 1981 in the Corsican Mountains. At the memorial, erected in the memory of this tragedy and its victims, several thousand people attended the ceremony, including relatives, friends and acquaintances of the deceased and top representatives from the Slovenian political arena and the Church. Vinko Hafner, one of the participants at the commemoration, speaker Marjan Rožič, president of Ljubljana City Assembly, Archbishop Alojzij Šuštar were all attending the ceremony. A funeral ceremony - farewell from victims of aviation accidents in Corsica - was organized at Žale cemetery. A choir singing a eulegy, wreaths layed, a glimpse of the coffins, a carnation in hand and the lighting of candles.- Information:- Farewell to the victims of the plane accident in Corsica.- Original language summary: Slovo od žrtev letalske nesreče na Korziki.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana