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Celotno besedilo

  • 13/10/2011
    Video Recording

    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Extended description: Jelovica: naravno bogastvo - rastišče za sove in divjega petelina, sova, jasa ob gozdu, hiše za sove in čuke, izjava Metod ROGELJ, Zavod za varstvo narave, sestanek, izjava Tomaž MIHELIČ, Društvo za opazovanje in preučevanje ptic Slovenije, divji petelin v gozdu, oponašanje zvoka jereba, 540 let stara lipa, izjava Davor KREMPFL, Zavod za varstvo narave.- Original language summary: Jelovica: prostranstvo gozdov Jelovice, planote, ki predstavlja pomemben življenjski prostor gozdnih ptic in je zato pod budnim očesom Zavoda za varstvo narave. Pravkar so končali popis rastišč divjega petelina na Jelovici, ugotovili pa so tudi, da so sove pred tremi leti postavljene gnezdilnice vzele, tako rekoč, za svoje.- Jelovica: The vast woods of the Jelovica plateau are an important habitat of forest birds and is closely monitored by the Institute for Nature Protection. They have just completed the inventory of capercaille or wood grouse sites. Apart from that they discovered that the owls completely adopted nesting boxes installed three years before.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana