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  • 18/09/2007
    Video Recording

    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Extended description: Posledice neurja v Cerknem; izjava Peter Tavčar, Cerkno, Tončka Kranjc, Cerkno, blatna cesta, izjava Janja Marinič, Cerkno, Jurij Čuk, poveljnik PGD-ja Cerkno, prevrnjeni avtomobili, izjava Marija Močnik, Cerkno, deroča voda, izjava Srebren Okiljevič, Cerkno, razdejanje v soteski Pasice, ostanki bolnišnice Franje, deroč potok v soteski, uničena steza. Slovenska vojna partizanska bolnica Franja je bila bolnišnica, ki je med drugo svetovno vojno od začetka zime 1943 do maja 1945 delovala blizu vasi Dolenji Novaki pri Cerknem v težko dostopni soteski Pasice. Zgrajena je bila za zdravljenje ranjencev in težjih bolnikov na območju 9. korpusa slovenske partizanske vojske. Imenuje se po dr. Franji Bojc Bidovec, zdravnici te bolnišnice. Bolnica Franja je bila organizirana v več manjših oddelkov v ožji in širši okolici, v času delovanja pa se je v njej zdravilo okoli 1000 borcev iz Jugoslavije in tujih vojakov tako iz držav zaveznikov kot tudi iz sil osi. Po drugi svetovni vojni je objekt prepoznaven kot zgodovinski spomenik in turistična atrakcija, dobil je znak evropske dediščine in priznanje Ameriškega združenja letalcev-vojnih veteranov. Hud naliv 18.9.2007 je z udarom vode popolnoma uničil 14 izmed 16 barak bolnišnice Franje. Oskrbnik, ki je bil v času neurja v bolnici, pa se je komaj rešil. Na originalni lokaciji sta ostali baraki 1 (za ranjence in bunker) in 9 (baraka za ranjence in mizarska delavnica). Odneslo je tudi skoraj vse iz druge svetovne vojne ohranjene predmete. Po uničujočem neurju so začeli z obnovitvenimi ter restavratorskimi deli, ki sta jih financirala Občina Cerkno in Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor RS, denar pa je tudi prišel iz zamejstva ter v obliki prostovoljnih prispevkov. Na mestih starih barak in odnesenih bolnišničnih predmetov so postavili replike, ostanek originalnih predmetov pa je v muzeju v Cerknem. Vir: Wikipedia The effects of the storm in Cerkno; statements of Peter Tavčar and Tončka Kranjc, citizens of Cerkno, muddy roads, statements of Janja Marinič and Jurij Čuk, chief of Cerkno voluntary fire brigade, overturned cars, a statement of Marija Močnik, rushing water, a statement of Srebren Okiljevič. Shattering damage in the Pasice gorge, the remains of partisan hospital Franja, the rushing stream in a canyon, destroyed track. The Franja Partisan Hospital was a secret World War II hospital at Dolenji Novaki near Cerkno in western Slovenia. It was run by the Yugoslav Partisans from December 1943 until the end of the war as part of a broadly organized resistance movement against the Fascist and Nazi occupying forces. Although the occupying Wehrmacht forces launched several search missions to find the hospital, it was never discovered. Today, it exists as a museum. On 18 September 2007 it was badly damaged in a flood after severe torrential rainfall. The hospital was located deep inside German-occupied Europe, only a few hours from Austria and central sectors of the Third Reich. German military activity was frequent in the general region throughout the existence of the hospital. The hospital's entrance was hidden in the forest, and the hospital could only be reached by bridges. The bridges could be retracted if the enemy was in the vicinity. In order to preserve the secrecy necessary for a clandestine hospital to operate, the patients were blindfolded during transportation to the facility. The hospital was also protected by minefields and nests of machine guns. As the hospital is in a gorge, the mass of trees and camouflaged buildings provided protection against air reconnaissance missions. The founder and first builder of the hospital was Dr. Viktor Volčjak, but the hospital was named after its manager and physician, Franja Bojc Bidove who began working there in February 1944. Extremely well equipped for a clandestine partisan operation, the hospital remained intact until the end of the war. It was designed to provide treatment for as many as 120 patients at a time, but saw almost ten times as many during its operation. Most of its patients were wounded as anti-Nazi resistance fighters, who could not go to regular hospitals because they would be arrested on sight. Amongst its patients, there were numerous nationalities, including one wounded German enemy soldier who, after being treated, remained in the hospital as a member of the hospital staff. Source: Wikipedia- Information:- A severe storm raged through Cerkno and its surroundings, destroying huts of the partisan hospital at Franja – an open air museum of historical importance in the Pasica gorge.- Original language summary: Hudo neurje, ki je divjalo v Cerknem in okolici je uničilo barake partizanske bolnice Franje – muzeja na prostem v soteski Pasice- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana