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  • Gunn, James E

    Book Chapter

    Preface discusses the concept of an 'Inter-Century Seminar.' It is followed by the author's Acknowledgements. The Introduction is by D. W. Malott. 'The Setting: Centennial at Kansas,' describes the background & the setting for the centennial celebration of the U of Kansas. (1) 'Man, Time, and Prophecy,' by L. C. Eiseley (U of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia), discusses the pattern of life for modern man. It diff'iates between the psychol'al mind of the classical world & the mind of the present. (2) 'The Continuing Scientific Revolution,' by P. H. Abelson (Ed, Science), presents an analysis of the role of sci & progress. The sci'fic work of Benjamin Franklin is discussed. The sci'fic revolution is delineated into: (a) chemical, (b) electronic, (c) agri'al, (d) Med, & (e) energy revolutions. The problem of the relationship between the economy & natural resources is presented. (3) 'An Appeal to Reason,' by C. E. Whittaker (US Supreme Court Justice), presents notions on the division of modern society into ideological & pol'al groups. Civil Rights in the US are discussed. (4) 'Prospects for Humanity,' by R. B. Fuller (Southern Illinois U, Carbondale), is an assessment of the trends which emerge from today's society. A discussion of the theories of T. Malthus & K. Marx is presented. An analysis of U students is presented. (5) 'Man and the World Community in the Century Ahead,' by A. Larson (Duke U, Durham, NC), criticizes the predictions of the physical sci's of the future world, because they overlook the pol'al, econ & soc realms. The novels of H. G. Wells, J. Verne, & G. Orwell are discussed. (6) 'Has the Theater a Future ?' by H. Clurman is a discussion of the relevance & the future of the theatrical world. (7) 'Our Crimes Against Criminals: A Plea,' by K. Menninger (Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kan), discusses the treatment of the mentally ill, & the instit'al educ provided by the state of Kansas. (8) 'Explorations in Tomorrow,' by A. C. Clarke delineates 3 aspects of the future as: (i) the exploration of space, (ii) the exploration of the sea, & (iii) the exploration of the mind. (9) 'The Changed and Changing University,' by F. D. Murphy (U of Kansas, Lawrence), is a discussion of the higher educ'al system in the US. Biographical notes on the Inter-Century Seminar participants are included. No Index. G. Satt.