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  • Integration of androgen hormones in endometrial cancer biology
    Gjorgoska, Marija ; Lanišnik-Rižner, Tea
    Endometrial cancer (EC) is a gynecological pathology that affects the uterine inner lining. In recent years, genomic studies revealed continually evolving muta- tional landscapes of endometrial ... tumors that hold great potential for tailoring therapeutic strategies. This review aims to broaden our knowledge of EC biology by focusing on the role of androgen hormones. First, we discuss epidemiological evidence implicating androgens with EC pathogenesis and cover their biosyn- thesis and metabolism to bioactive 11-oxyandrogens. Next, we explore the endometrial tumor tissue and the altered microbiota as alternative sources of androgens and their 11-oxymetabolites in EC patients. Finally, we discuss the biological significance of androgens' genomic and nongenomic signaling as part of a medley of pathways ultimately deciding the fate of cells.
    Source: Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism. - ISSN 1043-2760 (Vol. 33, iss. 9, Sep. 2022, str. 639-651)
    Type of material - article, component part
    Publish date - 2022
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 116172547

source: Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism. - ISSN 1043-2760 (Vol. 33, iss. 9, Sep. 2022, str. 639-651)
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