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  • Skupinsko odločanje v analitičnem hierarhičnem procesu in prikaz njegove uporabe pri upravljanju Pohorja kot varovanega območja : doktorska disertacija = Group methods in analytic hierarchy process and their application to the management of protected area Pohorje : doctoral dissertation
    Grošelj, Petra
    Type of material - dissertation ; adult, serious
    Publication and manufacture - Ljubljana : [P. Grošelj], 2013
    Language - slovenian
    COBISS.SI-ID - 3231624

Library/institution City Acronym For loan Other holdings
BF, Central Biotechnical Library, Ljubljana Ljubljana BFCBK outside loan 1 cop.
BF, Zootechnical Department, Ljubljana Domžale BFZOO reading room 1 cop.
National and University Library, Ljubljana Ljubljana NUK reading room 1 cop.
not for loan 1 cop.
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