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  • High temperature phase transformations under fretting conditions
    Kalin, Mitjan ; Vižintin, Jože
    In this work, fretting wear mechanisms in air-dry and oil-lubricated contacts of steel against silicon nitride were studied, with a special emphasis on the maximum temperature rise in the contact and ... the influence of mechanical pressure and plastic deformation on the tribochemical reactions. In literature, different and contradictory levels of importance relating to the thermal and mechanical effects have been reported. Our results of fretting experiments including several surface analysing techniques, thermodynamic and flash temperature calculations suggest the temperature as the critical parameter for the observed phase transformations. Furthermore, an additional approach was used by performing a number of interaction couple experiments under controlled static conditions, in order to partially explain the chemical wear, which occur in dynamic fretting conditions.
    Type of material - conference contribution
    Publish date - 2000
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 3774747