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  • Simbolno nasilje spolnega zaznamovanja v jeziku in prakse upora v visokošolskem prostoru
    Perger, Nina
    The article analyses androcentrism and cisnormativity in language with a focus on the meaning of such linguistic practices in higher education, which is characterised by symbolic power constituted by ... the authorisation of higher education for the production of expert discourse. Through the dominant use of established linguistic practices, the formalisation of cisnormative and androcentric linguistic code is reproduced along with social asymmetrical gendered power relations. The article includes research findings on the perception of sexism in higher education with a focus on findings on sexism in language. It concludes with an analysis of linguistic practices of resistance aiming for the destabilisation of cisnormativity and androcentrism in language which could be effectively implemented by the use of underscore.
    Source: Družboslovne razprave = Social science forum. - ISSN 0352-3608 (Letn. 32, št. 81, apr. 2016, str. 41-60)
    Type of material - article, component part
    Publish date - 2016
    Language - slovenian
    COBISS.SI-ID - 33982557

source: Družboslovne razprave = Social science forum. - ISSN 0352-3608 (Letn. 32, št. 81, apr. 2016, str. 41-60)

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