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  • Intuitions : epistemology and metaphysics of language
    Miščević, Nenad
    The paper addresses the issues about grammatical intuitions in a programmatic sketch. The first part deals with epistemology of such intuitions and defends a moderate Voice-of-competence view in ... discussion with Michael Devitt, the ordinarist, who sees them as products of general intelligence or Central Processing Unit. The second part deals with the problem for their validity and offers a compromise solution: linguistic intuitions are valid because their object the standard linguistic entities, are production- and response-dependent. Competence does dictate what is correct, and what is not, the order of determination goes from the internal to the external, or external-seeming language items. An external token string has linguistic properties because it would be interpreted as having them by the normal language-hearer and would be produced by a process that would form it respecting the nature of these properties. The solution is briefly situated on the map of general response-dependentism.
    Source: Croatian journal of philosophy. - ISSN 1333-1108 (Vol. 18, no. 53, 2018, str. 253-276)
    Type of material - article, component part ; adult, serious
    Publish date - 2018
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 24228104

source: Croatian journal of philosophy. - ISSN 1333-1108 (Vol. 18, no. 53, 2018, str. 253-276)

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