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  • Contextual Analysis of Judicial Governance in Slovenia [Elektronski vir]
    Avbelj, Matej
    What is a real character of judicial (self)-government in Slovenia? Does it live up to the standards established in a well-ordered society, based on the established rule of law and consolidated ... democracy? This certainly is an impression that an external critical, but uniformed, observer develops when he or she approaches the legal regulation of judicial (self)-government in Slovenia. This also is an impression that has been perpetuated in academic and professional circles prior and after the enlargement of the EU. The article dispels this myth. It does so by providing a comprehensive assessment of all the bodies and processes involved in the judicial (self)-government in Slovenia. Contrary to the prevalent formalistic legal approach, which dominates the legal scholarship concerned with judicial governance and the courts more generally, the article relies on a socio-legal methodological approach. It therefore situates the system of judicial self-government in the Slovenian socio-political context in order to provide an insight into how the judicial self-government really works and to what an extent it falls short of the normative ideals prescribed by the Slovenian positive law.
    Source: German law journal [Elektronski vir]. - ISSN 2071-8322 (Vol. 19, no. 7, 15. dec. 2018, str. 1902-1930)
    Type of material - e-article
    Publish date - 2018
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 2053266358