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  • Model za razvrščanje izdelkov kosovnega pohištva iz lesa glede na obremenjevanje okolja med procesom izdelave = Model for classification of wooden furniture products in view of environment threatening during the production process
    Lipušček, Igor, 1975- ; Oblak, Leon, 1966- ; Zadnik Stirn, Lidija
    There are many parameters influencing environmental burdening in the process of wooden furniture production. The aim of this research was to ascertain the key parameters and to form a model for ... classifying these products regarding their environmental burdening. The multi-criteria decision-making method was used for the model formation. Utility functions were calculated with the analytic hierarchy processes method (AHP) on the basis of prior statistically processed expert finding. The mathematical model formation enables a critical comparison of products from the viewpoint of environment threatening as well as exposure of explicit advantages and disadvantages of a certain product.
    Type of material - article, component part
    Publish date - 2003
    Language - slovenian
    COBISS.SI-ID - 1085065