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  • Hornbeck, Peter; Fleisher, Thomas A; Papadopoulos, Nicholas M

    Current protocols in immunology, February 2017, Volume: 116
    Journal Article

    On identifying a new monoclonal antibody, or in characterizing antibodies in sera evoked by disease or immunization, it is particularly informative to determine the serological class of the antibodies. The serological class of the protein is determined by the structure of the antibody constant region. Several methods of class or isotype determination are outlined in this unit: sandwich ELISA, electrophoresis, and immunofixation, or use of a variety of commercially available kits. Different purification schemes and approaches for enzymatic fragmentation of the antibodies depend on the class or isotype of the antibody, so this information streamlines these processes. © 2017 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.