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  • Značaj porodice kao faktora...
    Terek, Lidija

    Revija za sociologiju, 2022, Volume: 52, Issue: 1
    Journal Article

    Rad ima cilj da objasni značaj porodice kao faktora u vodećim mikro- i makro-teorijama porekla delinkvencije i da utvrdi uloge koje joj one dodeljuju u objašnjenju etiologije ovakvog ponašanja. Analiza je pokazala da mikro-teorije kao posebno značajnu ističu socijalizaciju i vaspitnu ulogu porodice kojom se oblikuju kako konformistički, tako i antisocijalni obrasci ponašanja, dok makro-teorije glavne uzroke devijantnosti pronalaze u strukturalnim karakteristikama društva, a porodicu prepoznaju kao faktora koji posreduje između društva i deteta. Analizom su utvrđeni i nedostaci proučavanih teorija. S obzirom na to da se baziraju na istraživanjima sprovedenim u SAD-u i zapadnoevropskim zemljama, one ne mogu u potpunosti da se primene na objašnjenje etiologije delinkvencije u svim društvima. Pored toga, mikro-teorije ne uzimaju u obzir karakteristike društva koje mogu da utiču na izbor vaspitnih metoda roditelja, razvoj njihovog vaspitnog stila i na njihovu odluku koje vrednosti će da prenesu deci, dok se makro-teorije ne bave pitanjem kakav uticaj imaju na devijantno ponašanje odlike onih društava, čiji su ekonomski, pravni i kulturni sistemi decenijama nestabilni, kao ni onih čiji se društveni sistem urušio i još uvek se nije reetablirao. Na osnovu ove analize može da se zaključi da uprkos važnoj ulozi koju roditelji imaju za usvajanje/sprečavanje antisocijalnog ponašanja, okvire u kojima će oni tu ulogu obavljati određuju karakteristike datog društva. The paper aims to explain the importance of the family as a factor in the leading micro-and macro-level origin theories of delinquency and to determine the roles they assign to it in explaining the aetiology of such behaviour. The analysis showed that micro-level origin theories emphasise the family role of upbringing and socialization as particularly important, shaping both the conformist and the antisocial patterns of behaviour, while macro-level origin theories find the main causes of deviance in the structural characteristics of society and recognise the family as a mediating factor between society and the child. The analysis also identified the shortcomings of the studied theories. Because they are based on research conducted in the United States and Western European countries, they cannot be fully applied in explaining the aetiology of delinquency in all societies. In addition, micro-level origin theories do not take into account the characteristics of society that can influence the choice of parenting methods, the development of their parenting style and their decision as to which values they will pass on to children, while macro-level origin theories do not question in what way deviant behaviour is influenced by the characteristics of societies whose economic, legal and cultural systems have been unstable for decades, or those whose social systems have collapsed and not yet been re-established. Based on this analysis, it can be concluded that despite the important role that parents have in the adoption/prevention of antisocial behaviour, the framework in which they will perform this role is determined by the characteristics of society.