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  • Kratka povijest humane ekol...
    Tomašević, Luka; Jeličić, Ana

    Služba božja, 2021, Volume: 61, Issue: 4
    Journal Article

    Humana ekologija dio je ekologije koji je nastao u prošlom stoljeću a bavi se proučavanjem odnosa između čovjeka i njegove okoline. Ona je sastavni dio ekologije, a povezana je uz tzv. ekološko pitanje iz druge polovice XIX. stoljeća kada je znanost otkrila da zemlja i sve žive vrste na njoj tvore jedinstveni sustav i da utječu jedne na druge preko svojih međusobnih odnosa. Kada su započeli prigovori kršćanstvu da je odgovorno za nastanak ekološke krize i za uništavanje prirode svojim biblijskim stavom o Božjem opunomoćenju za zahvate u prirodi, nastala je i nova grana teologije nazvana ekoteologijom. U krilu katoličke teologije nju su posebno razvijali rimski biskupi (pape), a njezin je vrhunac enciklika pape Franje Laudato si’ koja je preuzela i razvila viziju integralne franjevačke teologije. Human ecology is a part of ecology that emerged in the last century and deals with the study of the relationship between man and his environment. It is an integral part of ecology, and is associated with the so-called ecological issue from the second half of the 19th century when science discovered that the earth and all living species on it form a unique system and that they influence each other through their interrelationships. When reproaches began to Christianity that it was to blame for the ecological crisis and the destruction of nature with its biblical view of God's authority for interventions in nature, a new branch of theology called ecotheology emerged. In the bosom of Catholic theology, it was especially developed by the Roman bishops (popes), and its culmination is the encyclical of Pope Francis "Laudato si" which took over and developed the vision of integral Franciscan theology.