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  • Refleksivno prepoznavanje p...
    Rus Makovec, Maja

    Zdravstveno varstvo, 10/2012, Volume: 51, Issue: 4
    Journal Article

    Izhodišče: Proces oblikovanja kombinacije medicinskega izobraževanja s humanističnim osebnostnim razvojem je stalnica medicinskih fakultet na splošno. Medicinska fakulteta v Ljubljani je pred kratkim uvedla tutorski sistem. Mentorjem in tutorjem je bila ponujena delavnica na temo samorefleksivnosti in spoprijemanja s stresom kot ena izmed dejavnosti v smeri razvoja kadrov in fakultete. Metoda: Vsi udeleženci so bili prostovoljci, ki so bili motivirani za nadaljnji razvoj svojih učiteljskih in tutorskih znanj ter veščin. Delavnica je temeljila na zaporedju faz (opredelitev ciljnega in registracija obstoječega stanja, zaporedje intervencij, uresničitev in evalvacija sprememb), ki so bile usklajene - pertinentne z osnovnim ciljem delavnic: spoznati, izkusiti in obravnavati samorefleksivnost in spoprijemanje s stresom kot dva nujna, splošna in bistvena dejavnika funkcionalnih, osebnih in skupinskih sprememb. Delavnica je zajela teme v povezavi z refleksivno komunikacijo, s spreminjanjem mikrosocialnih sistemov, z analizo položaja moči in njene aplikacije tutorja/mentorja, različnimi učnimi stili, motivacijo za učenje ter z zmožnostjo obvladovanja stresa. Dejavnost je temeljila na sistemskih principih učenja s sooblikovanjem udeležencev. Rezultati: Način dela je spodbujal radovednost tutorjev za različne probleme in izzive v povezavi s študijem pri študentih medicine, tj. z njihovimi individualnimi zmožnostmi in kompetencami za učenje in njihovo zaznavo ovir za uspešen študij. Delavnica je pri tem upoštevala pluralni princip ekvifinalnosti - da je mogoče priti do istega cilja po različnih poteh učenja. Uvajala je načelo preobrazbe implicitnega znanja v eksplicitne principe oz. vodila za učinkovito akcijo. Ob tem je izzvala utrjene in avtomatizirane kognitivne vzorce razmišljanja Background: How to shape medical education to combine professional knowledge with humanistic personal development is a never-ending process for medical schools in general. The Medical School of the University Ljubljana has been introducing a tutor system recently. Workshops promoting self-reflexivity and coping with stress have been offered for tutors and mentors as a kind of faculty and personnel development initiative. Method: The participants were all volunteers, motivated by further development of their teaching and tutorial skills. The workshop was based on a sequence of phases (the definition of the target and of the existing state, the sequence of interventions, implementation and an evaluation of the changes) that were pertinent to the basic goal of the workshops: to recognize, experience and apply self reflexivity and coping with stress as two urgent, general and essential factors for functional personal and group change. The workshop covered themes connecting the following issues: reflexive communication, introducing changes into systems, power position and the use of power by the tutor/mentor, understanding different individual learning styles and the motivation for learning. The workshops are based on a systemic type of learning with the co-creation of the participants. Results: The workshop supported the tutors' reflective curiosity about medical students by discovering individual strengths, by identifying obstacles in the learning process and by the pluralistic idea of equifinality - achieving the same goal in different ways. The workshop tried to translate implicit knowledge into explicit principles and to challenge identified automatic cognitive repetitive patterns in the experiential part of workshop with designated exercises