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  • Papaj, Michał; Ni, Guangxin; Lewandowski, Cyprian

    arXiv (Cornell University), 10/2023
    Paper, Journal Article

    The variety of correlated phenomena in moiré systems is incredibly rich, spanning effects such as superconductivity, a generalized form of ferromagnetism, or even charge fractionalization. This wide range of quantum phenomena is partly enabled by the large number of internal degrees of freedom in these systems, such as the valley and spin degrees of freedom, which interplay decides the precise nature of the ground state. Identifying the microscopic nature of the correlated states in the moiré systems is, however, challenging, as it relies on interpreting transport behavior or scanning-tunneling microscopy measurements. Here we show how the real-space structure of collective charge oscillations of the correlated orders can directly encode information about the structure of the correlated state, focusing in particular on the problem of generalized Wigner crystals in moiré transition metal dichalcogenides. Our analysis builds upon our earlier result 10.1126/sciadv.adg3262 that the presence of a generalized Wigner crystal modifies the plasmon spectrum of the system, giving rise to new collective modes. We focus on scanning near-field optical microscopy technique (SNOM), fundamentally a charge-sensing-based method, and introduce a regime under which SNOM can operate as a probe of the spin degree of freedom.