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  • Issues in Treating Determin...
    Michelizza, Mija; Ledinek, Nina

    Collegium antropologicum, 2023, Volume: 47, Issue: 2
    Journal Article, Paper

    This paper presents the treatment of determinologized lexemes in the most recent growing monolingual general explanatory dictionary for Slovenian—Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika, 3. izdaja (Dictionary of the Slovenian Standard Language, 3rd Edition), or eSSKJ—while also drawing attention to conceptual differences in the understanding of the status of this vocabulary compared to previous editions of the dictionary (SSKJ and SSKJ2) and according to the treatment of terminology in the terminological dictionaries of the ZRC SAZU Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language. It focuses on specific lexicographic issues that arise due to determinologization when dealing with this relatively extensive and hybrid segment of vocabulary in eSSKJ, addressing it from two points of view. It draws attention to the issues that editors face due to lexicographic requirements. At the same time, it presents issues and reservations external terminology consultants have as experts in individual subject fields when reviewing dictionary entries for determinologized vocabulary. Due to the specific nature of the work, both types of issues sometimes overlap. U ovome radu predstavlja se obrada determinologiziranih leksema u najnovijemu jednojezičnom općem objasnidbenom rječniku slovenskoga jezika – Slovaru slovenskega knjižnega jezika, 3. izdanje, poznatijega kao eSSKJ. Ističu se razlike u koncepciji obrade u usporedbi s prethodnim izdanjima rječnika (SSKJ i SSKJ2) te razlike u obradi nazivlja u terminološkim rječnicima Instituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša. Pozornost se usmjerava na specifična leksikografska pitanja koja se javljaju zbog determinologizacije, a odabrani se leksemi razmatraju s dvaju gledišta – izdvajaju se problemi s kojima se susreću urednici zbog leksikografskih zahtjeva te problemi i zadrške koje vanjski terminološki konzultanti imaju kao stručnjaci za pojedina područja pri pregledu rječničkih natuknica za determinologizirani vokabular. Zbog osobitosti leksikografske obrade katkad se ti problemi preklapaju.