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  • Perraut, K; Brandão, I; Mourard, D; Cunha, M; Bério, Ph; Bonneau, D; Chesneau, O; Clausse, J. M; Delaa, O; Marcotto, A; Roussel, A; Spang, A; Stee, Ph; Tallon-Bosc, I; McAlister, H; Brummelaar, T. ten; Sturmann, J; Sturmann, L; Turner, N; Farrington, C; Goldfinger, P. J

    Journal Article

    Physical processes working in the stellar interiors as well as the evolution of stars depend on some fundamental stellar properties, such as mass, radius, luminosity, and chemical abundances. A classical way to test stellar interior models is to compare the predicted and observed location of a star on theoretical evolutionary tracks in a H-R diagram. This requires the best possible determinations of stellar mass, radius, luminosity and abundances. To derive its fundamental parameters, we observed the well-known rapidly oscillating Ap star, $\gamma$ Equ, using the visible spectro-interferometer VEGA installed on the optical CHARA array. We computed the calibrated squared visibility and derived the limb-darkened diameter. We used the whole energy flux distribution, the parallax and this angular diameter to determine the luminosity and the effective temperature of the star. We obtained a limb-darkened angular diameter of 0.564~$\pm$~0.017~mas and deduced a radius of $R$~=~2.20~$\pm$~0.12~${\rm R_{\odot}}$. Without considering the multiple nature of the system, we derived a bolometric flux of $(3.12\pm 0.21)\times 10^{-7}$ erg~cm$^{-2}$~s$^{-1}$ and an effective temperature of 7364~$\pm$~235~K, which is below the effective temperature that has been previously determined. Under the same conditions we found a luminosity of $L$~=~12.8~$\pm$~1.4~${\rm L_{\odot}}$. When the contribution of the closest companion to the bolometric flux is considered, we found that the effective temperature and luminosity of the primary star can be, respectively, up to $\sim$~100~K and up to $\sim$~0.8~L$_\odot$ smaller than the values mentioned above.These new values of the radius and effective temperature should bring further constraints on the asteroseismic modelling of the star.