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  • Soil information system and...
    Ilavska, B (Vyskumny Ustav Podoznalectva a Ochrany Pody, Bratislava (Slovak Republic))

    Conference Proceeding

    A base for modern information system and GIS in the Soil Science and Conservation Research Institute are already existed UNIX-system stations with ARC/INFO on line with PC versions ARC/INFO. This software basis after some innovation has been promoting wide GIS spectrum of applications necessary for Earth surface analyses, ecological analyses and modeling. The pedological information system processed and permanently actualised by the Soil Science and Conservation Research Institute is unit system comprising immense quality of soil data and after relative data. Development in period recent 15 - 20 years gradually formed conditions for linkage the pedological information system with the systems of after institutions (e.g. Research Institute of Economics of Agriculture and Food Production, Immovability Register)