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  • Kuzman, Zlatko

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    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Geostrateški položaj Republike Hrvatske te njezina politicka i infrastrukturna involviranost u Europsku uniju i europske prometne tokove prilika su za dodatni gospodarski razvoj njenim regijama. Više od dvije trecine robne razmjene Hrvatska obavlja sa svojim susjedima i zemljama Europske unije, pa je jasno kako je interakcija izmedu prometa i prometne infrastrukture i zbog njene efikasnosti smanjenih transportnih troškova znacajan doprinos konkurentnosti hrvatskih proizvoda i usluga. Prometni položaj i razvoj prometne infrastrukture definiraju se u okviru gospodarskih razvojnih strategija kao znacajan element privlacenja stranih investitora na naše podrucje. Tim je važnije da se prometna infrastruktura planira i osmišljava u funkciji gospodarskog i ukupnog razvoja regije. Analizirane prometne strategije Karlovacke županije i susjednih regija ukazuju na nedovoljnu zastupljenost gospodarskih aspekata pri osmišljavanju prometnih strategija. Ipak, prometno gledano, vidljiva je prometna kompatibilnost i orijentiranost susjednih regija na našu prometnu infrastrukturu, što se smatra razvojnom prednošcu. Druga karakteristika analiziranih strategija je iskazana kroz nepostojanje njihovog inoviranja, dakle, nepostojanje kontinuiranog strateškog procesa kao važnog cinitelja postizanja postavljenih strateških ciljeva, a time i konkurentske prednosti. Analiza utjecaja izgradnje prometne infrastrukture ukazuje na pozitivan utjecaj na glavne gospodarske grane, posebno na graditeljstvo. Vidljiv je rast svih gospodarskih pokazatelja, narocito u vrijeme intenzivne izgradnje, ali i nakon dovršetka. Sukladno analiziranim teorijama evidentni su i ucinci na razvoj lokalne zajednice, kao rezultat primjene prometne strategije, cak i u uvjetima njezine manjkavosti. Na osnovu teorijskih postavki provedenih istraživanja utjecajnih gospodarskih cimbenika ukazuje se na mogucnost unapredenja procesa strateškog prometnog planiranja, primjenom procesa strateškog menadžmenta uz dodatno naglašavanje gospodarskog aspekta pri izradi i implementaciji prometne strategije. Takoder, se ukazuje na model kontinuiranog strateškog procesa i povezanost regionalne razvojne strategije, gospodarske strategije, prostornih planova pri izradi i implementaciji prometne strategije. U radu je naglašena mogucnost da se kroz razvoj prometne infrastrukture dodatno unapreduje gospodarski razvitak i to razvojem pojedinih gospodarskih grana, razvojem gospodarske infrastrukture - prvenstveno industrijskih zona, turistickih potencijala, poslovno stambenih zona i trgovackih centara i razvoj strateških potencijala logisticke industrije. Prikazana je analiza koja potvrduje županijski cestovni cvor, kao optimalan izbor logisticko distributivnog centra za širu regiju. Dokazana uzajamna zavisnost kvalitetne implementacije prometnih strateških procesa i gospodarskog razvitka u opisanim uvjetima nedovoljne povezanosti prometnih strategija s razvojem regionalnih i gospodarskih potencijala te predloženi model izrade prometne strategije baziran na principima strateškog menadžmenta, koji posebno ukljucuje gospodarske potencijale znanstveni je doprinos iskazan u ovom radu, cija se primjena ogleda u mogucnosti definiranja strateških smjernica kod izrade prometnih strategija, u smislu cjelovitog sagledavanja gospodarskih i drugih potencijala. Regionalni znacaj ogleda se u mogucnosti primjene na osmišljavanju i planiranju strategije razvitka Karlovacke županije, smjernicama za bolje korištenje infrastrukture i njenih potencijala.- The geostrategic position of Croatia and her political involvement and infrastructure in the European Union and European traffic flows are opportunities for additional economic development of its regions. More than two thirds of the Croatian foreign trade is exercised with its neighbors and the European Union so it is clear that the interaction between the traffic and transport infrastructure and because of its efficiency with reduced transport costs is a significant contribution to the competitiveness of Croatian products and services. Road location and developed traffic infrastructure are defined in the framework of economic development strategies as an important element in attracting foreign investors to our area. Therefore it is even more important that the transport infrastructure is planned and designed as a function of economic and overall development of the region. The analyzed traffic strategy of the Karlovac County and neighboring regions indicate the lack of presence of economic aspects in designing transport strategy. However, from the traffic point of view, traffic compatibility and orientation of neighboring regions on our transport infrastructure is visible, and it is considered to be a development advantage. Another characteristic of the analyzed strategies is exemplified by the lack of innovation, i.e., the absence of a continuous strategic process as an important factor to achieve the strategic goals, and consequently competitive advantages as well. The impact of the construction of transport infrastructure analysis indicates a positive impact on major economic sectors, especially construction. The growth of all economic indicators is visible, particularly at a time of intense construction, and after completion. In accordance with the analyzed theories the effects on the development of local communities as a result of the implementation strategy for transport, are evident even its shortcomings. Based on theoretical research conducted on influential economic factors, the possibility of improving the process of strategic transport planning is evident by means of implementing strategic management, with additional emphasis on economic aspects in the preparation and implementation of transport strategy. The model also shows a continuous strategic process and the relationship between regional development strategies, economic strategies, regional plans in the preparation and transport strategy implementation. The paper emphasizes the possibility of improving the economic development through the development of transport infrastructure, by developing certain economic sectors, economic infrastructure-primarily industrial zones, tourism resources, business and residential areas and shopping centers and developing the strategic potential of logistics industry. The analysis that confirms the county road facilities as the optimal choice of logistics distribution center for the wider region is presented. Proven interdependence of high quality implemented strategic transport and economic development processes described in terms of inadequate strategic transport strategies with the development plans of regional and economic potential, and proposed model of transport strategy based on the principles of strategic management, which includes especially the economic potential is a scientific contribution presented in this paper whose applications reflect the possibilities of defining strategic guidelines for the development of transport strategies in terms of overall consideration of economic and other resources. Regional importance is reflected in the possibility of its application in designing and planning the development strategy of the Karlovac county and the guidelines for better use of infrastructure and its potential.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana