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  • GM3(Neu5Gc) ganglioside: an...
    Labrada, Mayrel; Dorvignit, Denise; Hevia, Giselle; Rodríguez-Zhurbenko, Nely; Hernández, Ana M.; Vázquez, Ana M.; Fernández, Luis E.

    Seminars in oncology, January 2018, Volume: 45, Issue: 1-2
    Journal Article

    Numerous molecules have been considered as targets for cancer immunotherapy because of their levels of expression on tumor cells, their putative importance for tumor biology, and relative immunogenicity. In this review we focus on the ganglioside GM3(Neu5Gc), a glycosphingolipid present on the outer side of the plasma membrane of vertebrate cells. The reasons for selecting GM3(Neu5Gc) as a tumor-specific antigen and its use as a target for cancer immunotherapy are discussed, together with the development of antitumor therapies focused on this target by the Center of Molecular Immunology (CIM, Cuba).