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  • A taxonomy of manufacturing...
    Fox, Stephen; Alptekin, Büşra

    Journal of cleaner production, 01/2018, Volume: 172
    Journal Article

    There are many different types of manufacturing distributions, ranging from subsistence do-it-yourself (DIY) to centralized industrial production. In this paper, a taxonomy is introduced of alternative manufacturing distributions for sustainable production. First, different types of manufacturing distributions are explained. Second, the importance of location-specific considerations is illustrated through a case study of Turkish car production. Third, comparative sustainability analysis for different manufacturing distributions is provided. This includes economic, ecological, social and institutional sustainability. Fourth, factors affecting the sustainability of all manufacturing distributions are explained. Fifth, the taxonomy is introduced, together with an example of comparative sustainability analysis for two alternative types of manufacturing distributions. Overall, it is argued that different manufacturing distributions have different strengths and weaknesses depending on multiple factors. Moreover, in some situations, centralized manufacturing can have higher potential for sustainable production than other distributions of manufacturing. Hence, the taxonomy is introduced to facilitate increased specificity and balance in debate concerning alternative manufacturing distributions for sustainable production. •Taxonomy relates 12 manufacturing distributions to four categories of sustainability.•The taxonomy provides increased specificity for analyses of alternative distributions.•Each manufacturing distribution has strengths and weaknesses for sustainability.•Sustainable production can involve centralized manufacturing.